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作者:面条 | 发表日期:2005-3-16 | 繁体阅读 |简体阅读|点击:670 Chapter 4. APDL as a Macro Language 4.1. What is an APDL Macro?
You can record a frequently used sequence of ANSYS commands in a macro file (these are sometimes called command files). Creating a macro enables you to, in effect, create your own custom ANSYS command. For example, calculating power loss due to eddy currents in a magnetic analysis would require a series of ANSYS commands in the postprocessor. By recording this set of commands in a macro, you have a new, single command that executes all of the commands required for that calculation. In addition to executing a series of ANSYS commands, a macro can call GUI functions or pass values into arguments.
You can also nest macros. That is, one macro can call a second macro, the second macro can call a third macro, and so on. You can use up to 20 nesting levels, including any file switches caused by the ANSYS /INPUT command. After each nested macro executes, the ANSYS program returns control to the previous macro level.
The following is a very simple example macro file. In this example, the macro creates a block with dimensions 4, 3, and, 2 and a sphere with a radius of 1. It then subtracts the sphere from one corner of the block. /prep7 /view,,-1,-2,-3 block,,4,,3,,2 sphere,1 vsbv,1,2 finish
If this macro were called mymacro.mac, you could execute this sequence of commands with the following single ANSYS command *use,mymacro
or (because the extension is .mac) mymacro
Although this is not a realistic macro, it does illustrate the principle.
This chapter provides information on the various ways you can create, store, and execute macros.
It also discusses the basic information you need to use APDL as a scripting language in creating macros.
4.2. Creating a Macro
You can create macros either within ANSYS itself or using your text editor of choice (such as emacs, vi, or wordpad). If your macro is fairly simple and short, creating it in ANSYS can be very convenient. If you are creating a longer, more complex macro or editing an existing macro then you will need a text editor. Also, using a text editor allows you to use a similar macro or ANSYS log file as the source for your macro.
For any long, complex macro you should always consider either using a similar macro as a starting point or running the task interactively in ANSYS and using the resulting log file as the basis of your macro. Either method can greatly reduce the time and effort required to create a suitable macro.
4.2.1. Macro File Naming Conventions
Macros are a sequence of ANSYS commands stored in a file. Macros should not have the same name as an existing ANSYS command; ANSYS will execute the internal command instead of the macro. The following naming restrictions apply to macro files: · The file name cannot exceed 32 characters.
· The file name cannot begin with a numeral.
· The file extension cannot contain more than eight characters (if you are executing the macro as if it were an ANSYS command it should have the extension .mac.) · The file name or extension cannot contain spaces.
· The file name or extension cannot contain any characters prohibited by your file system and for portability should not contain any characters prohibited by either UNIX or Windows file systems. To ensure that you are not using the name of an ANSYS command, before creating a macro try running the file name that you wish to use as an ANSYS command. If ANSYS returns the message shown below, you will know that the command is not used in the current processor. You should check the macro file name in each processor in which you plan to use the macro. (You could also check if the macro file name matches any command listed in the online documentation; however, this method cannot locate the names of undocumented commands.)
Using the .mac extension allows ANSYS to execute the macro as it would any internal command. You should avoid using the extension .MAC because it is used for ANSYS internal macros. 4.2.2. Macro Search Path
By default, ANSYS searches for a user macro file (.mac extension) in the following locations: 1. The ANSYSnn/docu directory.
2. The directory (or directories) designated by the ANSYS_MACROLIB environment variable (if defined) or the login (home) directory. This environment variable is documented in the ANSYS installation and configuration guide for your platform.
3. The directory designated by the $HOME environment variable. 4. The working directory.
You can place macros for your personal use in your home directory. Macros that should be available across your site should be placed in the ANSYSnn/docu directory or some commonly accessible directory that everyone can reference through the ANSYS_MACROLIB environment variable.
· For Windows Me users: You must designate the \"home directory\" and drive using environment
variables, see the ANSYS Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows. · For Windows XP, 2000, and NT users: The \"current directory\" is the default directory (usually a network resource) set by administrators and you should ask your network administrator for its location. You can use environment variables to create a local \"home directory.\" The local home directory is checked after the default directory designated in your domain profile. See the ANSYS Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows for more information. 4.2.3. Creating a Macro Within ANSYS
You can create a macro by four methods from within ANSYS: · Issue the *CREATE command in the input window. Parameter values are not resolved and parameter names are written to the file.
· Use the *CFOPEN, *CFWRITE, and *CFCLOS commands. Parameter names are resolved to their current values and those values are written to the macro file.
· Issue the /TEE command in the input window. This command writes a list of commands to a file at the same time that the commands are being executed. As the commands are executed in the current ANSYS session, parameter names are resolved to their current values. However, in the file that is created, parameter values are not resolved and parameter names are written instead.
· Choose the Utility Menu>Macro>Create Macro menu item. This method opens a dialog box that can be used as a simple, multi-line editor for creating macros. Parameter values are not resolved and parameter names are written to the file. The following sections detail each of these methods. Using *CREATE
Issuing *CREATE redirects ANSYS commands entered in the command input window to the file designated by the command. All commands are redirected until you issue the *END command. If an existing file has the same name as the macro file name you specify, the ANSYS program overwrites the existing file.
For example, suppose that you want to create a macro called matprop.mac, which automatically defines a set of material properties. The set of commands entered into the input window for this macro might look like this: *CREATE,matprop,mac,macros MP,EX,1,2.07E11 MP,NUXY,1,.27 MP,DENS,1,7835
MP,KXX,1,42 *END
The *CREATE command takes arguments of the file name, the file extension, and the directory path (in this case, the macros directory is specified). When using *CREATE, all parameters used in commands are written to the file (the currently assigned values for the parameter are not substituted). You cannot use *CREATE within a DO loop. Using *CFWRITE
If you wish to create a macro file in which current values are substituted for parameters you can use *CFWRITE. Unlike *CREATE, the *CFWRITE command cannot specify a macro name; you must first specify the macro file with the *CFOPEN command. Only those ANSYS commands that are explicitly prefaced with a *CFWRITE command are then written to the designated file; all
other commands entered in the command input window are executed. As with the *CREATE command, *CFOPEN can specify a file name, a file extension, and a path. The following example writes a BLOCK command to the currently open macro file. *cfwrite,block,,a,,b,,c
Note that parameters were used for arguments to the BLOCK command. The current value of those parameters (and not the parameter names) are written to the file. So, for this example, the line written to the macro file might be
To close the macro file, issue the *CFCLOS command. Using /TEE
Issuing /TEE,NEW or /TEE,APPEND redirects ANSYS commands entered in the command input window to the file designated by the command at the same time that the commands are being executed. All commands are executed and redirected until you issue the /TEE,END command. If an existing file has the same name as the macro file name you specify with /TEE,NEW, the ANSYS program overwrites the existing file. To avoid this, use /TEE,APPEND instead.
In addition to the Label argument (which can have a value of NEW, APPEND, or END), the /TEE command takes arguments of the file name, the file extension, and the directory path.
As the commands are executed in the current ANSYS session, all parameter names are resolved to their current values. However, in the file that is created, parameter names are written (the currently assigned values for the parameter are not substituted). If your current parameter values are important, you can save the parameters to a file using the PARSAV command.
For an example, see the description of the /TEE command in the ANSYS Commands Reference. Using Utility Menu>Macro>Create Macro
Choosing this menu item opens an ANSYS dialog box that you can use as a simple editor for creating macros. You cannot open and edit an existing macro with this facility; if you use the name of an existing macro as the arguments for the *CREATE field, the existing file will be overwritten. 4.3. Executing Macros and Macro Libraries
You can execute any macro file by issuing the *USE command. For example, to execute the macro called MYMACRO (no extension) residing somewhere in the macro search path, you would issue
In this case, the macro takes no arguments. If instead the macro was called MYMACRO.MACRO and resided in /myaccount/macros, you could call it with *use,/myaccount/macros/mymacro.macro
Note that the *USE command allows you to enter the path and extension along with the file name and that these are not entered as separate arguments.
If a macro has a .mac file extension and resides in the search path, you can execute it as if it were an ANSYS command by simply entering it in the command input window. For example, to call mymacro.mac you could simply enter mymacro
You can also execute macros with a .mac extension through the Utility Menu>Macro>Execute Macro menu item.
If the same macro takes arguments (see Passing Arguments to a Macro for more information about passing arguments to macros), then these can be entered on the command line as follows
The Utility Menu>Macro>Execute Macro menu item dialog provides fields for arguments. Executing macros contained in macro libraries is similar. You must first specify the library file using the *ULIB command. For example, to specify that macros are in the mymacros.mlib file, which resides in the /myaccount/macros directory, you would issue the following command: *ulib,mymacros,mlib,/myaccount/macros/
After selecting a macro library, you can execute any macro contained in the library by specifying it through the *USE command. As with macros contained in individual files, you can specify arguments as parameters in the *USE command.
You cannot use the *USE command to access macros not contained in the specified macro library file after issuing the *ULIB command. 4.4. Local Variables
APDL provides two sets of specially named scalar parameters which are available for use as local variables. These consist of
· A set of scalar parameters that provide a way of passing command line arguments to the macro. · A set of scalar parameters that can be used within the macro. These provide a set of local variables that can be used to define values only within that macro.
The following sections discuss both of these variable types in detail. 4.4.1. Passing Arguments to a Macro
There are 19 scalar parameters that you can use to pass arguments from the macro execution command line to the macro. These scalar parameters can be reused with multiple macros; that is, their values are local to each macro. The parameters are named ARG1 through AR19 and they can be used for any of the following items: · Numbers
· Alphanumeric character strings (up to eight characters enclosed in single quotes) · Numeric or character parameters · Parametric expressions Note
You can pass only the values of parameters ARG1 through AR18 to a macro as arguments with the *USE command. If you create a macro that can be used as an ANSYS command (the macro files has a .mac extension), you can pass the values of parameters ARG1 through AR19 to the macro. For example, the following simple macro requires four arguments, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, and ARG4: /prep7
/view,,-1,-2,-3 block,,arg1,,arg2,,arg3 sphere,arg4 vsbv,1,2
To execute this macro, a user might enter
4.4.2. Local Variables Within Macros
Each macro can have up to 79 scalar parameters used as local variables (AR20 through AR99). These parameters are completely local to the macro, and multiple macros can each have their own unique values assigned to these parameters. These parameters are not passed to macros called from macros (nested macros). They are passed to any files processed through a /INPUT command or a \"do loop\" processed within the macro.
4.4.3. Local Variables Outside of Macros
ANSYS also has a similar set of ARG1 through AR99 scalar parameters that are local to an input file, and are not passed to any macros called by that input file. Thus, once a macro finishes and execution returns to an input file, the values of ARG1 through ARG99 revert to whatever values were defined within the input file.
第四章 宏命令
4.1 什么是APDL宏命令?
下面是一个非常简单的宏文件例字,其内容是:先生成一个4*3*2的块,然后再生成一个半径为一的球体,随后从块的一角减去球体。其命令流文件为: /PREP7
/VIEW,,-1,-2,-3 BLOCK,,4,,3,,2 SPHERE,1
如果这个宏名叫做“Mymacro.mac”,就可以使用下面的命令来执行这个宏文件。 *USE,mymacro 或者 mymacro
•宏名不能超过32个字符。 •宏名不能用数字作为开头。
•文件名和扩展名不能包括空格。文件名和扩展名不能包含系统所禁止的任何字符。 为了保证没有使用与ANSYS命令相同的文件名,在生成宏之前,事先在ANSYS软件里运行一下这个文件名。类似的,应该用这个名称在所有的处理器中都试一下,直到没有相同的ANSYS命令时,才可以使用这个名称作为宏名。还有一种简便的方法是将该名称放在在线帮助文档中,进行搜索,可以查出是否与存在的ANSYS命令名相同。但这种方法不能检查出没有帮助文档的ANSYS命令。
在缺省方式下,ANSYS通过下列路径搜索用户自定义的宏文件(其扩展名为.mac)。 ⑴目录:/AnsysInc/v70/ANSYS/apdl。
⑶由$HOME环境变量所指定的目录。 ⑷工作目录。
可以将自己个人使用的宏放在用户主目录下。对于经常要使用的宏应该放在/Ansys Inc/v70/ANSYS/apdl或者某些经常进入的目录下,这样任何人通过ANSYS_MACROLIB环境变量都可以找到。
在ANSYS系统内,可以用四种方法来定制一个宏: •在命令输入中执行“*CREAT”命令,这时参数值将不重新求解,参数名被写入文件里。 •使用命令“*CFOPEN”、“CFWRITE”和“CFCLOS”,参数将重新求解,并得到他们的当前值,这些值将被写入到宏文件中。
•在命令输入行中执行“/TEE”命令,这个命令在执行输入命令的同时,也把这些命令列出一个清单,并写入到一个文件里。命令在当前ANSYS的对话框中执行时,参数名会重新求解并得到它们的当前值。然而在生成的文件中,参数值没有求解,仅仅写入了参数名。 •选择GUI模式:Utility Menu>Marco>Creat Macro,这种方法将打开一个对话框,对生成宏来说,可作为一个简单多行编辑器,参数值将不会被求解,参数名将被写入到文件中。使用命令“*CREAT” 执行命令“*CREAT”后,将会使在命令输入行中执行的ANSYS命令改向进入到由该命令指定的文件中,在执行命令“*END”之前, 所有输入的命令都将会改向。如果已经存在的文件名与用户指定的文件名相同,ANSYS会覆盖掉这个已经存在的文件。
假设要生成一个名叫“matprop.mac”的文件,这个文件能够自动定义材料的性能参数,为生成这个宏,在命令输入行中输入下列命令流即可。 *CREAT,matrop,mac,macros MP,EX,1,2.07E11 MP,NUXY,1.27 MP,DENS,1.7835 MP,KXX,1.42
如果希望在生成一个宏的同时,参数能够被当前的值所取代,这时可以使用命令“*CFWRITE”。与命令“*CREAT”不相同的是,命令“*CFWRITE”并不能指定一个文件名,必须先由“CFOPEN”指定一个宏文件,然后只有那些在命令输入行中输入的且用“*CFWRITE”作为前缀的命令才能够写入到指定的文件名、扩展名和工作目录。 下列的一个例子就是将一个“BLOCK”命令写入到当时打开的宏文件里。
对于“BLOCK”命令来说,由于这些参数被作为变量使用,这些参数的当前值也要被写入到文件中,因此,对于这个例子来说,将要写入到宏文件里的这一行也可写成: *CFWRITE,BLOCK,,4,,2.5,,2
另外,在命“/TEE”中除了label变量外,还可以指定文件名、扩展名和目录的路径。 命令在ANSYS对话框中执行时,所有的参数名都将会重新求解,并得到它们的当前值。然而在生成的文件中,参数名被写入,当前对参数指定的值并不会取代。如果感到当前的参数值非常重要,用户可用命令“PARSAV”将这些参数保留在一个文件里。使用操作路径
GUI:Utility Menu>Macro>Creat Macro
当执行这一操作后,系统会弹出一个对话框,在这个对话框中,用户可以输入命令并生成一个宏文件。但不能利用这个特征去打开或编辑已经存在的宏文件,如果用户在“*CREAT”域内输入一个与已经存在的文件同名的宏名,则已经存在的文件将会被覆盖掉。 与命令“*CREAT”类似,参数并不去求解,而是全部写入到宏文件当中。但最后一行要写上“*END”命令。使用文本编辑器
如下的宏库文件里包含着两个简单的宏: mybloc /PREP7 /VIEW,,-1,-2,-3 BLOCK,,4,,3,,2 FINISH /EOF mysphere /PREP7
由于“*USE”命令能够自动进入路径并搜索到文件名,因此没有必要指定分离的变量。 如果一个宏有一个“.mac”的扩展名,并且保存在搜索路径里。这时就可以象执行ANSYS内部命令一样在命令输入行中执行这个宏。如果要调用mymacro.mac这个宏时,只要在命令输入行中简单的输入:“mymacro”,并回车即可。
当然,也可以利用下拉菜单执行这个以“.mac”作为扩展名的宏。其中执行路径为: GUI:UTILITY Menu>Macro>Execute Macro
如果一个宏有许多变量,那么可以直接在命令行中输入。如: mymacro,4,3,2,1.5
或者 *use,mymacro.mac,4,3,2,1.5
而用下拉菜单即操作路径“UTILITY Menu>Macro>Execute Macro”时,会弹出一个对话框,其变量则在对话框中输入即可。
可以使用19个标量参数将执行命令行中宏的变量传递给宏,这些标量参数能够在多个宏中重复使用,也就是说,它们的值对于宏来说是局部的。这些参数名是:ARG1-AR19,并且它们能够在下列范围内使用: •数值。
•字符型字符串(用单引号括起来且不超过8个字符)。 •数值或字符参数。
如下所示的宏需要4个变量:ARG1、ARG2、ARG3和ARG4。 /PREP7
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