1.1 Text Typology of Reiss's Translation Criticism
Theory of text typology is the core idea of Reiss's translation criticism. Reiss thinks that a typology of texts sensitive to the translation process is a prerequisite for any objective approach to translation criticism. She says that it is the text type that decides the translation approaches; the text type is the primary factor influencing the translator's choice of a proper translation method in normal situation of translation. Here \"normal situation of translation\" means the purpose of translation is to transfer the text of the original into a second language without abridgment, expansion or any particular spin, representing the source text with corresponding text in the target
language. (Reiss,1971/2000:16-17). Therefore, theory of text typology is text-oriented. Both the translator and the critic must be aware of the text type represented by the original when he is translating or judging a translation.
1.1.3 Four Basic Text Types of Reiss The Content-focused Text and its Translation Principle
According to Reiss, when the type of a text concerns essentially the translation method and the relative priorities of what is to be preserved in the target language, the kind of text concerns the linguistic elements to be considered when translation is carried on. Assuming this, the principal kinds of text in the content-focused type would include press releases and comments, news reports,
commercial correspondence, inventories of merchandise, operating instructions, directions for use, patent specifications, treaties, official documents, educational works, non-fiction books of all sorts, essays, treatises, reports, theses, and specialized literature in the humanities, the natural sciences, and other technical fields. (Reiss,1971/2000:27) Reiss points that in the translation of a content-focused text, its primary concern is for accuracy of data, so the translation of such texts must give priority to accuracy of the information they convey. Its translation should be in a plain prose with the explication where required, and its aim is to transmit precisely the referential content of the text. The critic must above all ascertain whether their content and information is fully represented in the target language. The Form-focused Text and its Translation Principle
In order to describe more precisely this second type of text and the various kinds of text associated with it, Reiss thinks that the concept of form must be clarified. In general, \"form\" is concerned with how an author expresses himself, and \"content\" deals with what the author says. In the form-focused texts, the author makes use of formal elements, whether consciously or unconsciously, for a specific esthetic effect. These formal elements do not simply exercise an influence over the subject matter, but go beyond this to contribute a special artistic expression.
Therefore, Reiss's form-focused texts are texts based on formal literary principles, and texts which express more than they state, where figures of
speech and style serve to achieve an esthetic purpose. Such texts basically are artistic literary works including literary prose (essays, biographies, belles-lettres), imaginative prose (anecdotes, short stories, novellas, romances), and poetry, etc. in all its forms. (Reiss,l971/2000:31-38)
Reiss proposes that, in the translation of the form-focused texts, the expressive function and the formal elements of language should be preserved by finding some analogous form of expression in the target language to achieve a comparable esthetic effect. The Appeal-focused Text and its Tt}anslation Principle
Reiss's appeal-focused texts do not simply convey certain information in a linguistic form; they are distinctive always in presenting information with a particular perspective, an explicit purpose, involving a non-liHguistic result. Triggering this result is the important aspect: a clear appeal to the hearer or the reader of the text is essential in a translation. The linguistic form of any given informational content in an appeal-focused text is distinctly secondary to achieving the non-linguistic purpose of its message. It should provoke a particular reaction on the part of the hearers or the readers, inciting them to engage in specific actions. The above definition suggests the type of such texts would include advertisement, publicity, preaching, propaganda, polemic, demagogy or satire, etc.. According to Reiss, in the translation of the appeal-focused texts, the translators have to attempt to achieve the same purpose intended by the source text.
3 The Audio-medial Text and its Translation Principle
Reiss's audio-medial texts do not represent the simple transcription of oral communications, but they are rather more or less important components of a larger complex. They are distinctive in their dependence on non-linguistic (technical) media and on graphic, acoustic and visual kinds of expression. It is only in combination with them that the whole complex literary form realizes its full potential.
What kinds of text belong to this type? Generally speaking, any text that requires the use of, and a degree of, accommodation to a non-linguistic medium in order to communicate with the hearer, whether in the source or in the target languages. Primary examples would be radio and television scripts, such as radio newscasts and reports, topical surveys and dramatic productions. It also includes all stage productions, from musicals to operettas and operas, comedies and tragedies. Reiss makes a conclusion that the translation of the audio-medial texts must preserve the same effect on the hearer that the original has in the source language.
1.4 The Functional Theory of Reiss's Translation Criticism
Reiss realizes that the text type and the linguistic elements as well as the non-linguistic elements can't fully embody the results of translation criticism. Reiss argues that the text type \"can\" determine the translation strategy. This does not mean that in all occasions translation strategies can be determined by text types.
This issue closely correlates with the fact that the target text has a different function with the source text. She brings another perspective into her translation criticism一functional perspective. It marks the beginning of Germail functionalism with a big influence on the Skopos theory of Vermeer.