

2022-07-13 来源:伴沃教育

A Hundred Shots, a Hundred Bull's-Eyes

这个成语本义是形容射箭技术高超,每次都能命中目标。常常用来比喻做事有充分的把握,总能达到预期的目的。 This idiom describes excellent marksmanship. Later it became used to indicate great and assurance.


1. 奥运会射击冠军杨凌的枪法真是百发百中。

Olympic shooting champion Ling Yang's marksmanship is really like \"every shot hits the target\".

2. 这么多问题你都回答对了,真是百发百中。

Your correct answering each of all questions is really like \"every shot hits the target\".


中国古时候有一个人叫养由基,他射箭的技术非常好。有人在树上挂了三片树叶,并写上1、2、3,让养由基来射。养由基站在100步以外的地方,拉开弓,搭上箭,第一箭射中了第一片叶子,第二箭射中了第二片叶子,第三箭射中了第三片叶子。 In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was an expert archer in the State of Chu called Yang Youji. To test his skill, someone chose three leaves at different heights on a willow tree, and challenged him to hit them in order.

Yang Youji stood more than one hundred paces away, and hit the three leaves in order.


Failing to Pass on Examination


The people used this idiom to indicate failing in an examination or competition.


1. 每年的高考都有很多学生名落孙山。。

měi nián de gāo kǎo dōu yǒu hěn duō xué sheng míng luò sūn shān.

There are a quite number of students \" falling in a competitive examination\" for getting admission to

higher institutions every year.

2. 公司招聘人员名单上没有我的名字,这次我又名落孙山了。

gōng sī zhāo pìn ren yuan míng dān shang méi yǒu wǒ, zhè cì wǒ yòu míng luò sūn shān le. I've again already been \" fallen in a competitive examination as I've failed to be employed by that

company. 成语故事

中国古时候宋朝有一个很幽默的人,他叫孙山。有一年他去参加考试,公布名单时他是最后一名。回到家,他的邻居向他打听自己的儿子考得怎么样。孙山笑着对邻居说:“孙山考了最后一名,你儿子的名字还在孙山的后面呢。” In the Song Dynasty there was a joker called Sun Shan. One year he went to take the imperial examination, and came bottom of the list of successful candidates. Back in his hometown, one of his neighbor asked him whether the neighbor's son had also passed. Sun Shan said, with a smile:\"Sun Shan

was the last on the list. Your son came after Sun Shan.\"
