A cornucopia of Thanks
Since I became an adult,I discovered that the meaning of Thanksgiving sure isn't what it used to be.
When I was younger,I remember receiving the inevitable homework assignment to write an essay on \"Something I am thankful for.\"
Then,I'd spend a ton of time sitting in my room trying to figure out just what in the world that could possibly be,and I'd end up writing down everything I could think of,from God to environmental consciousness.
But after having children,my priorities have clearly changed.
Before children:I was thankful to have been born in the United States of America,the most powerful,free democracy in the world.
After children:I am thankful for Velcro tennis shoes.
As well as saving valuable time,now I can hear the sound of my son taking off his shoes--which gives me three extra seconds to activate the safety locks on the backseat windows right before he hurls them out of the car and onto the freeway.