
Speed sensor filter

2023-08-31 来源:伴沃教育

专利名称:Speed sensor filter发明人:Amsallen, Marcel申请号:EP95303741.3申请日:19950601公开号:EP0689053A1公开日:19951227


摘要:A filter (12) for removing oscillations and transients from vehicle drivelinecomponent angular velocity measurement signals (20). The filter (12) determines, fromsuccessive measurements of angular velocity, any angular acceleration of a drivelinecomponent. Predetermined sets of unity and fractional multipliers are assigned to

respective ranges of angular acceleration. Each succeeding measurement of angularvelocity is estimated by adding the product of a selected modifier value and the

difference between the currently sensed and the previously estimated values of angularvelocity to the previously estimated value of angular velocity. Multipliers are valued andselected so that, when angular accelerations are detected, relatively large percentagesof the differences between currently sensed and previously estimated values of angularvelocity are added a relatively small number of times to previously estimated values ofangular velocity when the differences are relatively small. Conversely, relatively smallpercentages of the differences between currently sensed and previously estimatedvalues of angular velocity are added a relatively large number of times to previouslyestimated values of angular velocity when the differences are relatively large.


地址:Eaton Center, 1111 Superior Avenue Cleveland Ohio 44114 US


代理机构:Clarke, Geoffrey Howard

