
Method of manufacturing MEMS device package

2021-08-14 来源:伴沃教育

专利名称:Method of manufacturing MEMS device


发明人:Jong-seok Kim,Yun-kwon Park,In-sang

Song,Duck-hwan Kim,Kuang-woo Nam,Seok-chul Yun




摘要:A micro electromechanical system (MEMS) device package and a method of

manufacturing the same are provided. The MEMS device package includes: a devicesubstrate with a MEMS active device being formed on the top surface thereof; internalelectrode pads, each of which is positioned on the opposite side of the MEMS activedevice and electrically connected to the MEMS active device; sealing pads positionedoutside of the internal electrode pads; a closure substrate joined to the device substratethrough the sealing pads, the closure substrate having via holes formed at the areaswhere the internal electrode pads are positioned; and external electrode pads formedon the top surface of the closure substrate in such a way that the external electrodepads are electrically connected to the internal electrode pads through the via holes. Theinternal electrode pads and the sealing pads are formed from an identical material suchas Au and thus the device substrate and the closure substrate are bonded to each otherwith direct bonding such as Au—Au direct bonding via the sealing pads.

申请人:Jong-seok Kim,Yun-kwon Park,In-sang Song,Duck-hwan Kim,Kuang-wooNam,Seok-chul Yun

地址:Hwasung-si KR,Dongducheon-si KR,Seoul KR,Goyang-si KR,Yongin-si KR,Yongin-siKR


