ZU10 1591 FFP and crop yields.The regression coefficient between gain yield and FFP is 5.33,representing that gain yield in・ creases bV 79.5 kg/hm0 when FFP ex— tends by one day.Of the 3 major crops,rice yield is the most sensitive to FFP,which increases bV 90 kg/hm with FFP extends by one day.Wheat and maize yields increase by 79.5 冻日的变化与区域增暖相互关系)fJ】. ACTA GEOGRAPHIC SINICA(地理学 ment Report of the Intergovernmental 报),2003,58(Supplemenf):31~37. PaneI on Climate Change【Stocker,T. 【1 2】Chinese Meteorological Administration F.,D.Qin,G.一K.Plattner,M.Tignor,S. (中国气象局).The ground meteoro. K.Allen,J.Boschung,A.Nauels,Y.Xi. 1ogical observation norm f中国地面观 a,V.Bex and P.M.Midgley(eds.)】【M】. 测规范)[M】.Beijing:China Meteoro— Cambridge UniVersity Press。Cam. logical Press(北京:中国气象出版社), Working Group I to the Fifth Assess. bridge,United Kingdom and New York, 2003:21. Physical Science Basis.Contribution of kg/hm and 70.5 kg/hm ,respectively, [131 LI FY(李风云),WANG YS(王玉山), 【2】ECSCNARCC(EditoriaI Committee for WANG RB(E荣波).The characteristic NY.USA. when FFP extends by a single day. Conclusions In this paper,the research defined frost dates by using daily minjmum ground temperature。And then the re. search analyzed the temporaI and spatial characteristics of first frost date.Iast frost date and frost-free peri- od during the past 53 years。The re- search also investigated the influence of the extending FFP on major crop yields.The main conclusions are sum— marized as foUows: During the past 53 years,FFD showed a significantly delaying trend, and LFD showed an advancing trend. FFP Jengthed due to the Jater FFD and earlier LFD.The trend coefficients of FFD。LFD and FFP are 0.21 7.0.244 and 0.445 d/y,respectively. There existed some minOr difer- ences in the trend of FFD.LFD and FFP on decadaI time scales.FFD ob- viously delayed since the 21 century, while LFD was obviously ahead of time since 1 980s.FFP has almost no obvious trend in the 1 960s and 1 970s. It began to extend since 1 980s.espe- ciallyafter2010. The trend of FFD,LFD and FFP at alI stations is consistent.but the magnitude varies in diferent stations. The most obvious trend of FFD is in eastern region.And the most obvious trend of LFD and FFP Occurs in south central region.However.in eastem re- gion,the trend of FFD,LFD and FFP is not so obvious. The major crop yields show a sig- nificant correlation.ranging frOm 0.53 tO O.61 with frost-free period.The yields of grain,wheat,rice,and maize increase by 79.5,79。5,9O,and 70.5 kg/hm when FFP extends by one day. 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