
英美概论 考试复习题

2024-03-21 来源:伴沃教育
The Society & Culture of Major English-speaking Countries


The UK

1. What are the four nations which make up of the UK? 这四个国家是什么构成的英国吗

England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland

2. The UK maintain links with its former colonial countries through a loose and voluntary organization called ___________.英国保持联系前殖民国家通过宽松、自愿组织称

British Commonwealth英联邦

3. But more important today to consider modern Britain’s role in its international relations is to emphasize its role as a member of _____但更重要的是今天考虑现代


European Union欧洲联盟,欧盟

4. What are the main religions in the UK? 什么是主要宗教在英国吗

Anglicanism (英国国教), Catholicism天主教;天主教义, Christianism耶稣教;基

督教, and others (e.g. Islam).

5. British history has been a history of invasions. Can you list the invaders from the first to the last? 英国的历史上一直是侵略的历史。你能列举侵略者从第一行到最后一行吗

Rome Empire → Germanic peoples: the Anglo-Saxon → Vikings from northern Europe → Normans from northern France罗马帝国日耳曼人:盎格鲁-萨克逊维京人从北欧诺曼人从法国北部

6. Who were the forefathers of the English? 他们的先辈的英语吗 Anglo-Saxon盎格鲁-撒克逊

7. Who is King Arthur? Why do the contemporary English people think of King Arthur as their hero? 谁是亚瑟王呢?为什么当代英国人觉得亚瑟王的英雄吗 A great leader in a English legend derives from the fifth century AD. It is said that he united the British and drove the Saxons back with his magical sword, Excalibur.



8. Who recreated the famous “round table”, and what was the purpose to do it? 他再现了著名的圆桌,目的是什么做的吗

King Arthur. He did it to let his knights to have equal precedence when they held meetings at his castle. 亚瑟王。他这样做是为了让他的骑士有相同优先级,当他们在他的城堡举行了会谈。

10. Why is the Monarchy carried out in UK? 为什么英国的君主制进行

(P. 38, P2) The power of the monarchy was largely derived from the ancient

doctrine of the “divine right of kings (君权神授)”. It was held that the sovereign derived his authority from God, not from his subjects (臣民).


11. What is the current government type (政府模式) of the UK? Both Parliamentary Democracy and Constitutional monarchy 两个议会民主和君主立宪制国家

12. What are the constituent parts of British parliament? 什么是英国议会的组成部分

The House of Lords, and House of Commons英国上议院和下议院的

13. What are the three major political parties in the UK? 什么是三个主要政党在英国吗

Labor Party; Conservative Party; Liberal Democrats Party工党,保守党,自由民主党党

14. Which city is the capital city of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, respectively? 哪个城市的首都是苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰,分别吗 Scotland – Edinburgh (爱丁堡) Wales – Cardiff (加的夫)

Northern Ireland - Belfast (贝尔法斯特)

15. What are the three laws which consist of the British constitution? 哪三个是法律,由英国宪法

Statute law, Common law, and Convention law. 成文法,习惯法,法律和惯例。

16. What are the main functions of British parliament? 的主要功能是什么英国议会呢

To pass laws, to vote for taxation, to scrutinize government policy, administration, and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day. 通过法律,投票支持税收、监督政府政策、管理和支出和辩论中的主要问题一天。

17. What is the primary role of the Monarchy? 什么是最主要的任务君主制吗? To symbolize the tradition and unity of the British state. 象征着传统的团结和英国政府。

18. What is the main feature of British constitution? 什么是英国宪法的主要特征

There is no written constitutions which most countries have. 没有成文宪法,大多数国家。

19. Strictly speaking, which three parts consist of the Parliament? 严格地说,这三个部分组成的议会

The Queen, the House of Lords, and the House of Common女王,英国上议院的住宅,以及常见的

20. Who are peers in the parliament? 谁是同行议会呢

The member of the House of Lords, usually called Lords. 成员的上议院,通常称为领主。

21. What is the difference between hereditary peers and life peers? 之间的区别是什么世袭贵族和生活的同行

hereditary Peers are those who inherited the seat from their forefathers, while life peers are those who are appointed by the sovereign, at the suggestion of the Prime Minister. The latter are not allowed to pass his seat to his son. 世袭贵族是那些继承了祖先的席位,而那些终身贵族所任命的主权,在首相的建议。后者是不允许把座位让给了他的儿子。

22. Who are the Lords Spiritual ? 谁是上议院神职人员

The Archbishops and most prominent bishops of the Church of England in the House of Lords. 主教和最著名的英国教堂的主教在上议院的。

23. Who are MPS? 谁是议员

The members of the House of Commons. 成员的下议院议员。

24. How long can a MP sit in the House of Commons after he/she has been elected? 多久才能议员坐在下议院的在他/她已当选吗 Five years.

25. Is a MP be allowed to be reelected? If yes, how many times is he/she allowed to be reelected? 是一个国会议员可以连任?如果是的,有多少次是他/她允许再次当选

Yes. A Mp is allowed to be reelected limitless number of times是的。一个允许当选议员是无限的次数

26. What is the British Social Class Structure: 什么是英国的社会阶级结构 Hereditary aristocracy •世袭贵族 Upper middle-class •上层中产阶级 Middle-class •中产阶级

Lower middle-class •下层中产阶级 Working-class •工薪阶层

27. What does Oxbridge mean? 牛津和剑桥是什么意思

The nickname of Oxford and Cambridge university run together. 绰号牛津和剑桥大学一起运行。

28. Who are “power-elite” in the UK?

Those who holds a disproportionate share of wealth and influence at the top of UK society那些拥有不成比例的财富和影响力在顶部的英国社会

29. What is distinctive about the British Class-system, and which marks it as different from the American or Chinese social structure? 什么是与众不同的关于英国等级,这标志着它不同于美国或中国的社会结构

The British social class structure has retained a hereditary aristocracy. 英国的社会阶级结构保留了一个世袭贵族。

30. Where did most of the immigrants in the UK come from? 大部分的移民在哪里在英国从何而来

South Asia (India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) and Caribbean countries (Jamaica and Trinidad). 南亚(印度、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡)和加勒比国家(牙买加和特立尼达)。

31. What is the primary industry of the UK? Provide examples. 什么是第一产业的英国吗?提供一些示例。

Agriculture is the primary industry. 农业是主要的行业。

E.g. Stock raising (畜牧业) - cattle (dairy, and beef), crops (wheat and barley 小麦和大麦)

Fishing (渔业) (mainly in Scotland)

Mining (矿业) – oil, gas, and nuclear energy

32. What is the secondly industry of the UK? Provide examples. 什么是第二产业的英国吗?提供一些示例。

The Secondly industry of the UK is Manufacturing industry (制造业)

E.g. Pharmaceuticals (药品), chemicals (化学制品), aerospace (航空), electronics (电子产品)…

British Education System

Primary and secondary School: 中小学

Children are required to attend school from the age of 5 to 16. Types of school:

State school (国立学校)

Independent school or public school (公学) (private School)

Comprehensive school (不分资质和性别的综合中学)

Grammar School (须通过 “the 11-plus” 考试而优先录取的文法学校.主要教授专业课程)

Vocational school (职业学校) The higher education

University (nearly all universities are public bodies)

Open University (开放大学) – Anyone can attend without any formal educational qualification Polytechnics 多科性技术学院 The oldest universities of UK: Oxford and Cambridge – Oxbridge


35. What is comprehensive school? 什么是综合学校

The secondary schools which admit children without reference to their academic abilities. 二级学校承认孩子没有引用自己的学术能力。

36. What is grammar school? 什么是语法学校

The secondary schools which select children of primary school graduates who show academic potential. 二级学校挑选孩子小学毕业生谁显示的学习潜力。 37. What is co-educational school? 什么是男女同校的学校

Co-educational schools, also called mixed schools, are the secondary schools which admit both boys and girls. 男女同校的学校,也叫做混合学校,其次是学校既承认男孩和女孩。

38. How many years of compulsory education do children have to receive in the UK ? 有多少年的义务教育孩子们获得英国 12 years

39. What type of exam should a student take if he/she want to attend grammar school? 什么类型的考试的学生应该采取如果他/她想参加文法学校 11-plus

40. What type of exam should a student take when he/she has finished his/her 12-year compulsory education? 什么类型的考试的学生应该把当他/她已完成了他/她的12年义务教育

General Certificate of Secondary Education普通中等教育证书

41. What type of exam should a secondary school graduate sit in if he/she hopes to attend university? 什么类型的考试要中学毕业生坐在如果他/她想上大学 A-levels exams (general Certificate of Education-Advanced) 一般Education-Advanced证书

42. Does the majority of universities in the UK receive fund from central做大多数的大学在英国接受基金从中央政府吗government? Yes

43. List the types of degrees of higher education: 列出的类型学位的高等教育 Associate 副 B.A. 学士学位

B.S. •理学学士学位 M.A. •硕士 M.S. •硕士 MBA •mba PHD •博士

Sports and Holidays

What are the sports invented in Britain? 什么是体育运动在英国发明的 1. Football 2. Tennis 3. Cricket 板球

4. Golf

5. Horse racing and Equestrianism 赛马和马术

What do the following slangs related to Cricket mean? 下列俚语什么有关板球的意思吗 Not cricket

行为不端, 不公正(unethical behavior) On a sticky wicket

(板球) 因雨后迅速晒干而很难进行 -> 处境不利 (to face difficulty) Throw a googly

掷变向曲线球 -> 行动琢磨不透 (to act unpredictably)

British Holidays and Festivals英国节日


01/01 – New year’s Day (按惯例, 如果节日是在周末, 则周一补休一天 )


02/14 - Valentine’s Day (无国定假)


04/01 – Fool’s Day (愚人节. 通常朋友或同事之间开些无伤大雅的玩笑,但必须是在中午12点以前)

04/02 – Mother’s Day (母亲节. 送贺卡、鲜花或礼物以答谢母亲) Note: Mother’s Day in the US is on the 2nd Sunday of May

04/15-16 – Easter (耶稣复活节. 送给儿童巧克力做的复活彩蛋作为礼物)


06/17 - Father’s Day (父亲节. 送贺卡、鲜花或礼物以答谢父亲 ) Note: 3rd Sunday in the US.

The 2nd Sunday of June – Trooping of the Colour (每年女王生日在白金汉宫前举行的大检阅庆祝活动)


10/31 – Halloween (鬼节. 源于苏格兰. 传统以南瓜灯、化妆舞会或游街来庆祝。孩子敲邻家的门讨零钱或糖果。无假日)

11/05 – Bonfire/Guy Fawkes Night (篝火之夜. 庆祝1605年欲烧毁国会大楼的盖夫克.福克斯被捕并处死。传统烧柴火放烟花庆祝。无假日)


12/25 – Christmas (圣诞节. 国定假日从圣诞日起两天, 但多数人一直休息到元旦过后。一般来说12月份下旬一直到1月上旬不宜安排到英国的商务旅行)

12/26 – Boxing Day (节礼日. 在圣诞节的次日. 这一天向雇员, 仆人, 邮递员等送礼物)


Important facts:

The first inhabitants of Australia: The Aboriginal people

The first European settlement on the continent began in 1788

Australia is the world’s smallest continent and largest island.

Australia is one of the most highly urban countries in the world with only 15 % of Australians live in rural areas.







Australia’s flag and its meaning

The Australian Flag comprises three distinct parts: the Southern Cross, the Commonwealth Star and the Union Jack. The background of the flag is blue. On the right-hand side are the five white stars that make up the Southern Cross constellation (南十字星座群) as seen in the skies of the Southern Hemisphere. Four of the stars have seven points, and one has five.


The large white star in the bottom left-hand corner has seven points, one for each of the six states and one for the territories. This symbolic star is called the Commonwealth Star.

In the upper left-hand corner is the Union Jack, Great Britain's flag. Australia has kept the Union Jack in its flag as a reminder of where many of the early settlers came from and because Australia is a member of the British Commonwealth. 巨大的白色星在左下角有七分,每六个州和地区。这星名叫象征英联邦明星。 在左上角是Union Jack,伟大的英国国旗。澳大利亚一直在其旗帜的Union Jack,


Australia’s Coat of Arms (国徽)

The coat of arms contains a kangaroo, an emu, golden wattle blossoms (金合欢树花), The Commonwealth Star, and shield containing the badges of the six states. The coat of arms is used by the Commonwealth of Australia to identify its authority and property. It belongs to the Commonwealth, and in general, is for official use only.



Federal Capital: Canberra

The Six States:

1. New South Wales (Capital: Sydney) 2. Victoria (Capital: Melbourne) 3. Queensland (Capital: Brisbane) 4. South Australia (Capital: Adelaide) 5. Western Australia (Capital: Perth)



1。新南威尔士(首都:悉尼) 2。维多利亚(首都:墨尔本) 3。昆士兰州(首都:布里斯班) 4。南澳大利亚(首都:阿德莱德) 5。澳大利亚西部(首都:珀斯)

6. Tasmania (Capital: Hobart)

Northern Territory 北部特别行政区(Capital: Darwin) •6。塔斯马尼亚(首都:霍巴特) •北领地北部特别行政区(首都:达尔文)
