专利名称:Portable display device
发明人:Youn Hwan Jung,Mun Hee Lee,Jae Mo
摘要:A portable display device minimizes protrusions of a light emitting displaypanel, such as an organic light emitting display panel, and an integrated circuit to allowsthe thickness thereof to be reduced. The portable display device includes a light emitting
display panel, such as an organic light emitting display panel. A metal plate is located ona rear surface of the organic light emitting display panel. A bottom chassis receivesanother light emitting display panel, such as a liquid crystal display panel and a backlightassembly. A first printed circuit board is located between the organic light emittingdisplay panel and the bottom chassis. At least a part of either the organic light emittingdisplay panel or the metal plate is arranged in opening portions of the bottom chassisand the first printed circuit board.
申请人:Youn Hwan Jung,Mun Hee Lee,Jae Mo Chung
地址:Ulsan-si KR,Ulsan-si KR,Ulsan-si KR
代理人:Robert E. Bushnell, Esq.