专利名称:Optical arrangement for the production of a
发明人:Helmut Lippert,Matthias Wald,Benno Radt申请号:US11946232申请日:20071128公开号:US07787179B2公开日:20100831
摘要:The invention is directed to an optical arrangement with a light source foremitting a light bundle and with optical elements for transforming this light bundle intothe shape of a light sheet, particularly suitable for illuminating individual planes of a
three-dimensional specimen in selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM). Accordingto the invention, means are provided for varying the cross section of the light sheet, forvarying the length of the light sheet and/or for influencing the direction in whichindividual beam components extending within the light sheet are directed to thespecimen substance. This makes it possible to adapt the geometry of the light sheet tothe illumination requirements for observing one and the same specimen plane with aplurality of different objectives and, if required, to reduce shadows occurring within theobserved specimen plane as a result of the illumination.
申请人:Helmut Lippert,Matthias Wald,Benno Radt
地址:Jena DE,Jena DE,Jena DE
代理机构:Frommer Lawrence & Haug LLP