

2021-02-01 来源:伴沃教育

Unit 4

1.It goes without saying that Shakespeare overshadows all the other play writers throughout the ages.

2.The Great Gatsby is commonly deemed as the epitome of the Jazz Age of the last century in America.

3.It is advisable for you not to put a damper on this enthusiasm to further his studies.

4.Young people tend to make a fetish of glamorous stars in sports and entertainment circles.

5.They traipsed all the way to the downtown area to watch the National Day firework display.

6.He does not deserve such severe punishment as he has committed neither serious errors nor grave crimes.

7.Every time I met him,he would talk a whole lot of nonsense.

8.Reputation is a trap into which many people are ready to fall.

Unit 5

1.Hamlet feigned madness when he was hesitating what to do.

2.Prevarication is one of the techniques this businessman likes to employ.

3.Sometimes the light of the truth is just too dazzling,so white lies are ubiquitous.

4.Many women in America profess that they are unhappy with their status as second-class citizens.

5.On the impulse of the moment,he blurted out the secrets.

6.You should get rid of any prejudice,resist temptation and let nothing warp your judgement.

7.Being over-sensitive and imaginative,he often weaves a tangled web in his mind.

8.He is very popular among his peers as he always tries to spare others any trouble.

Unit 9

1.You should have told me in advance that you would further your studies in America.

2.He lavished too much care on his grandchildren.

3.Various new technology industries have sprung up.

4.Many English words derive from Latin,Greek and French words. 5.A philosopher held that contradiction and oppositions are ubiquitous.

6.Kindness is part and parcel of his nature.

7.He has phenomenal memory and intelligence.(这句不考)

8.He is fastidious about/to his food and clothes.

书P77 12段,即使看似无害的谎言也可以有不可预见的后果。哲学家Sissela Bok警告我们说他们会把我们放上斜坡。"在第一次撒谎后,其他的谎言会来的更加容易。"她在她的书《谎言:公共和个人生活中的到的选择》中写道。心理障碍崩塌,区别道德的能力被模糊,撒谎者有关自己被抓住的机会的看法可能被扭曲。

