
[热搜写作] 初二英语文章其八

2024-08-28 来源:伴沃教育

在平时学习中写英语作文是一件非常常见的事情,我们在写英语作文的时候可以学习一些优质英语作文的写作手法,作文,没有固定的内容,都是每个人有感而发。想要写好作文,自己需要多看、多学、多写。那么英语作文应该如何书写你知道吗?供您所需,请您阅读小编为您收集整理的《[热搜写作] 初二英语文章其八》,大家不妨来参考。希望您能喜欢!

I'm glad to be back in school.

At this moment, I will begin my new journey with my new identity as a junior student.

Wish me luck!

In the hall, I kept looking for my cousin, but more to find the more I feel something I find her why he senior and cousin, even if I'm not so take care of her really again, is such a second day in class 3, so, the first is! No wonder the teacher said that class three was the most active class in the four experimental classes. It was not a matter of self, but a hail of hailstones came suddenly in the evening.

Many people couldn't cope with it, and the hastily opened umbrellas were swept away by the consequent wind and rain, with little effect. It was a good day when the school was over, or the wind had blown down a huge pine tree nearly six meters high in our neighborhood. Unfortunately, after the storm, no one came to help her, but she cut off her branches, split her trunk, and sold her money for tips! Human greed!

This is the record for the next year.


[热搜写作] 初二英语文章:父亲给我的礼物(一篇)

掌握英语写作技巧是每个高年级孩子都需要具备的技能。多看一些优质英语作文可以为我们的写作打下良好基础,写作文就是需要真情实感的表达内心的想法。想要提高语文分数,作文首先就要把握好。你知道写好一篇英语作文需要注意些什么问题吗?下面小编帮大家收集了[热搜写作] 初二英语文章:父亲给我的礼物(一篇)”,但愿能对您有所帮助。

When I was young, my father, who always taught me how to be a true man, told me that it is essential to be tolerant in your life whatever happens.

And that remains the most valuable present he gave me, I think. To be tolerant, I need to keep calm when great trouble lies in front of me, however difficult it is to overcome it; To be tolerant, I need to resist the temptation of all kinds of the outside world, even if it is so attractive; To be torlerant, I need to pull myself(控制自己情绪) in times of extreme sorrows and joys, no matter how they affect me.

[热搜写作] 高二的英语文章范文

作为一名学生,懂得写好英语作文是非常重要的,一些优质的英语作文书可以为我们写作时提供很多的素材和灵感,坚持写作文可以培养我们的字和内心情感,想要把作文写好,是需要花费一些心思和时间的。哪些优秀英语作文可以作为写作的参考呢?为了您的需要,下面小编为大家整理的《[热搜写作] 高二的英语文章范文》,敬请阅读,

Yesterday, we had an interesting English class. There were a group of American college students visiting to our school. Therefore, they acted as our English teachers yesterday, and the teacher of my class was Roan. He is twenty-two years old and he comes from Los Angeles. He has learned Chinese for more than 3 years, so sometimes we could communicate in Chinese. He simply introduced the United States to us, including geography, history and education. He shared us with his education experiences and told his stories to us, especially in the junior school. He was so active and energetic in the class and we were impressed. In the end of the class, he suggested us to be more active in the class and encouraged us to study hard. He said that he felt difficult to learn Chinese but he always tried his best.


热搜作文: 高考英语文章其二

作为一名学生,我们不光要学习英语,还要能写出好的英语作文,我们在学习写作的时候离不开优秀英语作文的引导,作文,通常考察学生们的日常事物和文学的积累程度。写好作文的前提就是要多观察、多动手写。英语作文怎么写才能让人眼前一亮呢?考虑到您的需要,小编特地编辑了“热搜作文: 高考英语文章其二”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

Communication is common and important in our daily life. All of us live with others in the society and no one can live cut off from it. Everyday, we must talk to others to give and get information, but how can we communicate with others? Some people claim that they don’t know what to say and how to speak to others, strangers especially. I think first you should find a topic that both of you are interested in. Then, pay attention to your manners, speed, pitch, expressions and your body language. You should make others feel comfortable, so that they are willing to talk to you. Last but not the least, being a good listener. Listening to others shows your respect to them. Only when they heard, they want to talk. So do you. Before you talk, listening to others first.


[作文借鉴] 初二英语文章(篇一)

作为一名学生,懂得写好英语作文是非常重要的,有时候,一些好的英语作文可以给我们写英语作文时很多有用的灵感,作文,可以发挥学生的想象力,丰富情感。写好作文的前提就是要多观察、多动手写。值得一品再品的优秀英语作文有哪些呢?为了让您在使用时更加简单方便,下面是小编整理的“[作文借鉴] 初二英语文章(篇一)”,欢迎阅读,希望能给大家提供一些思路!






[热搜写作] 高中英语文章之四

英语作文相信大家都写过吧,网上其实有很多可以借鉴和学习的优质英语作文,写作文可以把自己的思想和想说的话用文字表达出来。为了写好作文我们不妨多看看别人的佳作,有没有哪些优秀英语作文可以拿来作参考?根据大家的需求,小编特意准备了“[热搜写作] 高中英语文章之四”,有需要的小伙伴一定不能错过!觉得有用请收藏。









