

2022-05-03 来源:伴沃教育

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Deliver your opinions too gently, too obliquely, and they might not recognize that you're actually delivering some trenchant criticism.(而如果你过于委婉,他们可能不会意识到你实际上是在提出严肃批评。)

2、Many of her trenchant articles together with those of rewi alley can be found today in the yellowed volumes of the magazine .(她和路易艾黎的那些词锋犀利的文章,今天还可以从那份杂志发了黄的卷页上找到。)

3、He formulated trenchant aphorisms that caught their attention.(他阐述的鲜明格言引起了人们的注意。)

4、With trenchant observation and in meticulous detail, she presents the quiet, day-to-day country life of the upper-middle-class English.(她通过犀利细致的观察,向我们展现了平和的英国乡村中产阶级的日常生活全貌。)

5、Franz-Olivier Giesbert's trenchant account of Mr Chirac's past 20 years, “La Tragédie du Président”, has been a bestseller for months.(弗朗兹-奥利维埃-吉斯贝尔对希拉克过去任职20年作出了最精辟的记录:《希拉克的悲剧》(LaTragédieduPrésident),这本书已经连续数月成为畅销书。)

6、Sitting alone in the study, the aroma of hibiscus touches, listen to Chinese parasol falls outside the window leaves with trenchant.(独坐于书房,有木槿的香气飘入,听窗外梧桐叶飘落的叹息分明。)

7、He resigned in the face of trenchant criticism of his policies.(他在这番尖锐的批评前持屈从的态度。)

8、She might have offered me some trenchant advice.(她可能会给我一些犀利的建议。)

9、South island temperature is lower, the four seasons scenery trenchant.(南岛气温较低,四季景色分明。)

10、His comment was trenchant and perceptive.(他的评论犀利且具洞察力。)

11、What impresses most in Goldings work is his trenchant pen, his poetic narrative style, and his keen insight into human nature.(他的作品以其犀利的文笔、诗歌般的叙述风格以及对人性的深刻洞察而著称。)

12、He was shattered and bewildered by this trenchant criticism.(他因这番尖锐的批评而万念俱灰,茫然不知所措。)

13、The strong moral sense, the vivid folk style, and the trenchant anti-modernism distinguish him from other novelists of the time.(强烈的道德感、鲜明的民间化倾向和反现代性立场是张炜区别于当代文坛其他小说家的鲜明特色。)

14、In a society addicted to the notion of "honour", Mr Sharif's trenchant stance has made him popular.(在一个醉心于“名誉”的社会里,谢里夫的清晰立场为自己赢得了支持。)

15、From the structure arrangement, the emphases of this paper is trenchant.(同时在结构安排上祥略有次,重点突出。)

16、But his trenchant record of city life was too vivid to remain in limbo.(但他犀利的城市生活的生动记录太留在地狱。)

17、The trenchant and inspiring comments of the scholars impressed the audience greatly.(学者们的理性思考和精彩阐释,引起了到会听众的兴趣与好评。)

18、FIRST, trenchant criticism.(首先就是尖锐的批评。)

19、During the free debate, our debater posted trenchant comments and the tense atmosphere was up to the top.(比赛进行到自由辩论环节,我方辩手措辞稳妥,言辞犀利,将辩论的紧张气氛推向顶点。)

20、We can hear it only if we listen with the third ear, a trenchant phrase of Theodore Reik.(正如西奥多·瑞克入木三分的话指出的那样:只有当我们用第三只耳倾听时,才会听到这样的呼喊。)

21、Some of their comments were quite trenchant.(他们的有些批评十分尖锐。)

22、fair workers, ability to punish first, trenchant, family flourishing kingdom.(公平工人,能力至上,奖罚分明,兴家旺国。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


