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热心网友
现代包装设计要强调环境的保护、资源的再利用
,突出人性化
,以人为本。在现代商品的包装设计中
,包装色彩的人性化在各个方面得到了体现
,包装的可靠性和方便性在结构上得以实现
,而人性化理念在包装材料上表现的更加突出。本文通过对人性化包装设计内涵、在产品包装中的体现以及实现人性化包装设计的途径的研究,指出产品包装设计中要赋予更多人性的、情感的、审美的内涵,体现出人性的关怀,建立一种人与产品、人与环境和谐统一的关系。
The
modern
packaging
design
is
supposed
to
emphasize
the
protection
of
the
environment
and
the
recycling
of
the
resources
while
highlighting
the
humanity
and
caring
for
people.
In
the
modern
design
of
packaging
goods,
the
humanity
of
packaging
colors
are
reflected
in
every
aspect,
the
reliability
and
convenience
of
packaging
are
reflected
in
the
structure
and
the
concept
of
humanity
is
better
reflected
in
the
packaging
material.
This
paper,
based
on
the
research
of
the
connotation
of
human-oriented
packaging
design,
its
reflection
in
the
proct
packaging
and
the
approach
to
human-oriented
packaging
design,
points
out
that
the
design
of
the
proct
packaging
should
be
endowed
with
more
human,
emotional
and
aesthetic
meanings,
should
reflect
the
concern
of
humanity
and
establish
the
harmonious
relationship
between
people
and
procts
and
between
people
and
the
environment.