上海世博会英国馆简介 英文






英国馆的设计是一个没有屋顶的开放式公园,展区核心“种子圣殿”外部生长有六万余根向各个方向伸展的触须。白天,触须会像光纤那样传导光线来提供内部照明,营造出现代感和震撼力兼具的空间;夜间,触须内置的光源可照亮整个建筑,使其光彩夺目。展区中的“绿色城市”、 “开放城市”、 “种子圣殿”、 “活力城市”和“开放公园”等几段参观旅程引导人们关注自然所扮演的角色,并思索如何利用自然来迎接城市面临的挑战。



展示内容--------在英国馆,参观者将通过“绿色城市”、“户外城市”、“种子圣殿”和“活力城市”的展示进入“开放公园”。 “绿色城市”中,参观者可以“鸟瞰”英国的四大首府——贝尔法斯特、卡迪夫、伦敦和爱丁堡。当城市建筑和街道被抹掉后,这些地图中剩下的是这四大城市中大片的绿色区域和茂盛苍翠的城市景观。 在“户外城市”,参观者头顶上是一个“倒垂”着的缩小版的典型英国城市,还将感受到“光雨”散落在身上的效果。 “种子圣殿”是英国馆创意理念的核心部分,日光将透过亚克力杆,照亮“种子圣殿”的内部,并将数万颗种子呈现在参观者面前。 植物的活力将在“活力城市”迸发出来,这里将展示种类丰富的植物,通过8个真实的植物生命故事和8个在未来可能实现的植物故事,展现植物与自然如何铸就城市生活的未来,介绍在英国的世界级顶尖科学家们的最新科研工作。 “开放公园”是对城市律动的鲜活展示,在这块足球场大小的开放空间里,参观者将有可能看到以独特方式呈现的莎士比亚剧目演出,和足球运动员来个互动,欣赏前卫时尚的现代艺术表演,甚至是在板球运动中试一下身手。




  中国 2010 年上海世博会将成为同类博览会中最壮观的一次盛会,将成为面向 21世纪的一次盛会。为此,英国专门设计和建造了世博会英国馆,为上海世博会增光添彩。
  1851 年首届伦敦世博会的典型场馆水晶宫 (Crystal Palace) 迄今依然堪称经典之作。同样,上海世博会英国馆将以震撼的视觉效果,诠释英国创意和创新的超凡魅力。
  上海世博会英国馆由英国最具创意的天才之一,托马斯•赫斯维克 (Thomas Heatherwick) 担纲设计,展馆主体为六层建筑,由约 6 万只纤细的透明 亚克力“触须”组成,向外伸展,随风摇曳。白天的时候,每根长达 7.5 米的触须会像光纤那样传导光线来提供内部照明,从而营造出敞亮肃穆的空间感。到了晚上,“触须”内含的光源会使整个展馆散发出璀璨迷人的光影。


  英国馆的设计旨在与众不同。英国馆被设计成为英国创新和创造力的一次精彩的呈现。英国馆中的走廊,种子圣殿,与周围的城市公园区域一起,讲述了一个内容丰富的故事,包含了英国的过去和现在,并展示了英国在建筑、生物多样性和科学技术领域的领先地位。城市公园区域将是一个进行公共表演和演出的场地,在这里将展 示英国在文化、艺术和公园方面的悠久历史。同时这里也将举办一系列从古典到先锋的演出,表现了英国社会的开放性。研究表明,中国观众倾向于在每个世博馆中 发掘与众不同之处,将展馆所代表的形象与多层次的象征联系在一起,用清晰易懂、引人注目的方式描述出来。所以,从英国馆的角度来说,多层次的故事不仅富有 吸引力,同时也将挑战人们对英国传统形象的认识。



  Shanghai World Expo will be the most spectacular and important event of its type. It is an Expo for the 21st Century and the UK have designed and built a Pavilion that reflects the splendour of the Expo2010.
  Our Pavilion is a striking, visual demonstration of the UK as a creative and innovative nation; exactly as Crystal Palace was in the very first Expo in London in 1851.
  Developed by one of the UK’s leading creative talents, Thomas Heatherwick, the centrepiece of the UK pavilion is a six storey high object formed from some 60,000 slender transparent rods, which extend from the structure and quiver in the breeze. During the day, each of the 7.5m long rods act like fibre-optic filaments, drawing on daylight to illuminate the interior, thereby creating a contemplative awe-inspiring space. At night, light sources at the interior end of each rod allow the whole structure to glow. The pavilion sits on a landscape looking like paper that once wrapped the building and that now lies unfolded on the site.

  Designed to be different

  The UK Pavilion has been designed to be different. It has been designed as a dramatic demonstration of innovation and creativity. The walkways and the seed cathedral, together with the surrounding landscape park area, provide a story rich in content that incorporates the UKs past and present and demonstrates its leading role in architecture, biodiversity and science and technology. The landscape park area, which will be a venue for public performances, will demonstrate the UKs history of arts and culture and public parks and the openness of its society by hosting performances from classical to cutting-edge. Research shows that for each Pavilion the Chinese people are likely to look for what is special or unique to the place it represents and have an interest in clear, compelling narratives, combined with layers of symbolism. To this end the UK Pavilion, with the many layers of its story, will appeal yet, at the same time, challenge the traditional perceptions.

  Our Theme

  The overall theme for UK at Expo revolves around the essence of our brand: Changing the Chinese perception of the UK. It takes into consideration the entire message of the Pavilion:
  Building on the Past, Shaping our Future
  This overall theme fits in with the overall Expo theme of a Better City, Better Life; it provides an overarching concept that brings together the many different stories and facets that make up the entire UK at Expo effort; and positions the UK as taking a leading role in future development.

