H.P lovecraft有些什么作品?





1.Cthulhu AS …… book (2006)
2.Kammaren AS …… inspired by (2006)
3.《恐怖大师》"Masters of Horror" AS …… (episode 1.02 "H.P. Lovecraft's Dreams in the Witch-House") short story (2005)
4.《恶魔的呼唤》The Call of Cthulhu AS …… story (2005)
5.LovecraCked! The Movie AS …… (story & inspiration) (2005)
6.The Statement of Randolph Carter AS …… short story (2005)
7.ReCreation AS …… inspired by (2005)
8.Innsmouth Legacy AS …… short story (2004)
9.Angry and Moist: An Undead Chronicle AS …… short story (2004)
10.13:de mars 1941 AS …… inspired by (2004)
11.《永远的活跳尸》Beyond Re-Animator AS …… story Herbert West, Re-Animator (2003)
12.The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath AS …… novel (2003)
13.The Thing on the Doorstep AS …… story (2003)
14.Pickman's Model AS …… story (2003)
15.An Imperfect Solution: A Tale of the Re-Animator AS …… story Herbert West: Re-Animator (2003)
16.Pulse Pounders AS …… story The Evil Clergyman (2002)
17.The Evil Clergymen AS …… short story (2002)
18.《异魔禁区》Dagon AS …… (short stories "Dagon" and "The Shadow Over Innsmouth") (2001)
19.Peuple ancien, Le AS …… story The Very Old Folk (2001)
20.Nyarlathotep AS …… short story (2001)
21.Chilean Gothic AS …… story Pickman's Model (2000)
22.Rough Magik AS …… work (2000)
23.Cool Air AS …… story (1999)
24.《异形人魔》Bleeders AS …… (short story The Lurking Fear) uncredited (1997)
25.《衰落的城堡》Castle Freak AS …… story The Outsider (1995)
26.《猛鬼吓人》Lurking Fear AS …… story (1994)
27.《夜夜破胆》Necronomicon AS …… stories The Rats in the Walls, Cool Air and The Whisperer in Darkness (1994)
28.The Outsider AS …… short story (1994)
29.《天妖归来》The Unnamable II: The Statement of Randolph Carter AS …… story (1993)
30.The Resurrected AS …… (story The Case of Charles Dexter Ward) (1992)
31.《活跳尸续集》Bride of Re-Animator AS …… stories (1990)
32.《魔鬼公寓》Mansión de los Cthulhu, La AS …… inspired by (1990)
33.Dark Heritage AS …… story The Lurking Fear (uncredited) (19)
34.《天妖》The Unnamable AS …… story (1988)
35.The Curse AS …… story The Colour Out of Space (1987)
36.《活魔人》From Beyond AS …… story (1986)
37.《活跳尸》Re-Animator AS …… story Herbert West, Re-Animator (1985)
38.The Music of Erich Zann AS …… story (1980)
39.《夜间画廊》"Night Gallery" AS …… short story Cool Air (episode "Cool Air") (1970)
40.The Dunwich Horror AS …… (story) (1970)
41.Curse of the Crimson Altar AS …… story The Dreams in the Witch House (uncredited) (1969)
42.The Shuttered Room AS …… book (1967)
43.《要你吓破胆》Die, Monster, Die! AS …… story The Colour Out of Space (1965)
44.The Haunted Palace AS …… (story The Case of Charles Dexter Ward) (1963)
45.Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti (19) AS …… characters
46.Splatterhouse 3 (1993) AS …… characters
47.Maelstrom - Il figlio dell'altrove (2001) AS …… mythology created by
48.Return to Innsmouth (1999) AS …… short story
49.Casa sfuggita, La (2003) AS …… short stories
50.Corpse-O-Rama (2001) AS …… characters
51.Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (2005) AS …… characters and story
52.Kuro no dansho (1999) AS …… inspired by
53.Tomb of Terror (2004) AS …… story The Lurking Fear (segment "Infinite Evil")
54.Splatterhouse 2 (1992) AS …… characters
55.Splatterhouse (1988) AS …… characters
56.Out of Mind: The Stories of H.P. Lovecraft
