Application of municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) to saline-alkaline field could help solve urban problems related to the increasing proction of waste, but only soil property improvement and environmental conservation can be demonstrated. This study, thus, aimed to detect the effects of four compost levels on soil microbial populations and crop (corn, oil-sunflower, alfalfa, sorghum-Sudan grass) yields. A plot experiment was carried out on a cropped saline-alkaline soil near Hohhot in Inner Mongolia. For each crop, treatments were: a 0 irrigation-0 compost check; compost: (1) MSW compost 75 t ha-1, (2) MSW compost 150 t ha-1,(3) MSW compost 225 t ha-1 ; Irrigation: (1) one irrigation on June 15, (2) two irrigations on June 15 and July 15 and (3) three irrigations on June 15, July 15 and August 10. Total quantity of irrigation was 750 t ha-1. The experiment was designed in one hundred and twenty plots (30m2 each) in three replicates, in randomized compete blocks. MSWC was applied once at the beginning of the experiment. The compost had a range of positive impacts on soil microbial populations, activity and biomass, and can provide an important source of nutrients for plants. The results indicated that: (1) with the increase in amounts of MSWC, soil microbial population was promoted at the same irrigation rate; (2) with the increase in number of irrigation, soil microbial population was promoted under the same compost. The treatment with the highest soil microbial population was MSW compost at 225 t ha-1 with three irrigation applications. In addition, the results show: (1) with the increase in amounts of MSWC, all four crop yields were promoted at the same irrigation rate; (2) with the increase in times of irrigation, all four crop yields were promoted under the same compost. The highest yield in all four crops was found at the high rates of MSW compost and irrigation, but at current costs of applying the compost, this treatment did not maximize economic benefits. The economic response was best with oilseed sunflower, at the low (75 t ha-1) rate of compost and three irrigation applications. In conclusion, although MSWC improves soil microbial population which is important for ameliorating soil physical properties and recing runoff and soil erosion, further research is required to examine the possible contamination of soil and crop by heavy metals when the compost is applied to Saline-alkali soils.
都市固体废物堆肥(MSWC)的盐碱领域中的应用,可以帮助解决有关废物增产城市问题,但可以证明只有改善土壤性质和保护环境。 ,因此,本研究旨在检测四个堆肥水平对土壤微生物种群和作物(玉米,油葵,苜蓿,高粱苏丹草)产量的影响。在内蒙古呼和浩特附近的盐碱土上裁剪的阴谋进行了实验。对于每一种作物,处理分别为:0灌溉0的堆肥检查;堆肥:(1)城市生活垃圾堆肥75吨公顷-1,(2)城市生活垃圾堆肥150吨公顷,1,(3)城市生活垃圾堆肥225吨公顷;灌溉:(1)灌溉6月15日,(2)(3)6月15日和7月15日的两个灌溉和6月15日,7月15日和8月10日的灌溉。灌溉总量为750吨HA-1。该实验的目的是在一百二十图(30平方米)三个重复,随机,竞争块。 MSWC一次在实验开始应用。堆肥土壤中的微生物种群,活动和生物的积极影响范围,并能提供植物营养的重要来源。结果表明:(1)增加金额MSWC,土壤中微生物种群促进在相同的灌溉率;(2)灌溉次数的增加,土壤中微生物种群在同一堆肥促进。治疗最高土壤微生物人口为225吨公顷1垃圾堆肥三种灌溉应用。此外,结果表明:(1)与金额MSWC增加,所有四种作物产量,促进在相同的灌溉率;(2)与灌水次数的增加,所有四种作物产量的推动下相同堆肥。被发现在所有四种作物的产量最高,在城市生活垃圾堆肥和灌溉率很高,但在当前应用的堆肥成本,这种治疗方法没有经济效益最大化。经济的反应是最好的油用向日葵,低(75吨公顷-1)的堆肥率和三个灌溉应用。总之,,虽然MSWC提高土壤微生物人口,这是为改善土壤物理性状,减少径流和土壤侵蚀的重要,进一步的研究需要检查重金属污染土壤和作物的可能时,堆肥适用于盐碱土壤。