原 名:Twister
译 名:龙卷风
导 演:简 德 邦特 (Jan de Bont)
演 员:海伦 亨特 (Helen Hunt) ...... Dr. JoAnne 'Jo' Thornton-Harding
比尔 帕克斯顿 (Bill Paxton) ...... William Harding
卡里 埃尔威斯 (Cary Elwes) ...... Dr. Jonas Miller
杰米 格尔兹 (Jami Gertz) ...... Dr. Melissa Reeves
菲利普 西摩 霍夫曼 (Philip Seymour Hoffman) ...... Dustin Davis
洛伊丝 史密斯 (Lois Smith) ...... Meg Greene
类 型:动作/惊栗/剧情
片 长:113 分钟
上 映:1996年
国 家:美国
语 言:英语
字 幕:中文
简 介:
原 片 名:Outbreak
中 文 名:恐怖地带/极度恐慌/危机总动员
IMDB评分:6.4/10 (11,402 votes)
国 家:美国
类 别:动作/惊悚
导 演:沃尔夫冈 彼得森(Wolfgang Petersen)
主 演:达斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)
雷妮·鲁索(Rene Russo)
摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)
凯文·斯派恩(Kevin Spacey)
影片长度:128 Mins
片 名:天地大冲撞 / 英文:Deep Impact
导 演:咪咪·莱德尔(Mimi Leder)
主 演:罗伯特·杜瓦尔Robert Duvall
蒂·李欧妮(Tea Leoni)
摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)
类 型:剧情(Drama) 科幻(Sci-Fi)
语 言:英语
发行公司:梦工厂(DreamWorks) 派拉蒙(Paramount)
制作公司:梦工厂(DreamWorks) 派拉蒙(Paramount)
首映票房:$41,152,375.00 (单位:美元)
MPAA定级:PG-13 级
全美票房:$140,4,6.00 (单位:美元)
片 长:120 分钟
海外票房:$209,000,000.00 (单位:美元)
14岁的莱奥.毕德曼从未想过自己会有如此惊天动地的大发现,他在观测天空时,无意中发现了后来以他的名字命名的“毕德曼彗星”,但科学家们很快就发现这个彗星将要猛烈撞击地球。 电视主持新秀珍妮.莱纳在紧锣密鼓地报道致使财政*下台的性丑闻的同时发现了彗星将撞击地球的消息,珍妮因此被总统“请”去密谈。总统已独家报道为条件,让珍妮将这一秘密保守两天。
在记者招待会上,总统贝克宣布将派一支特殊小分队到太空去摧毁向地球撞来的彗星。前著名宇航员坦纳临危授命,率领五名宇航员乘弥赛亚飞船到达彗星,并在彗星上设置核子*,藉以引爆彗星或偏转彗星行进方向,从而拯救危在旦夕的地球。接下来的几个月里,人人面临着即将到来的灭顶之灾,人人在试图寻找生命的意义。美国*为使所有生灵不到灭绝,特意建造了一个以诺亚方舟命名的地下庇护所,以使少数人和动物得以存活。 用核弹摧毁彗星的行动失败后,宇航员们在返回地球途中毅然决定驾驶装有核弹的弥赛亚飞船撞向彗星,以自己的生命换取地球上人类的安全,但还是有一个小彗星撞上了地球,引发了史无前例的灾难……
片 名:Independence Day
译 名:日 / 天煞-地球反击战
导 演:罗兰·艾默里克 (Roland Emmerich)
编 剧:Dean Devlin
Roland Emmerich
主 演:威尔·史密斯 (Will Smith)
比尔·普尔曼 (Bill Pullman)
杰夫·戈德布拉姆 (Jeff Goldblum)
玛丽·麦克唐奈 (Mary McDonnell)
贾德·赫希 (Judd Hirsch)
罗伯特·洛吉亚 (Robert Loggia)
兰迪·奎德 (Randy Quaid)
玛格丽特·科林 (Margaret Colin)
类 型:动作 / 科幻
片 长:145 min / USA:153 min (special edition)
分 级:PG-13
制作公司:福克斯 (20th Century Fox)
当另一个世界的生命突然来到地球的时候会是什么情况?如果明天早晨你走出门口,看到有无数的太空飞船在城市上空盘旋你会是什么感觉?如果你知道这样的事情正在我们的地球上发生你又会做些什么? 这些问题已经在地球上引发过无数次的讨论和假设,现在我们就要得出结论了。这是一个平常的夏日,在没有任何先兆的情况下特别的事情发生了。 无数的阴影投落在大地上,天空上出现了不祥的物体,所有的人都被看到的景象惊呆了。 确定无疑的是我们人类在宇宙中不再是孤独的生命体,并且在这一瞬间地球上每一个人的命运都将发生改变。我们的地球面临危险。
导演:迈克尔·贝 Michael Bay
主演:查尔顿·赫斯顿 Charlton Heston .... Narrator (voice)
斯蒂夫·巴斯米 Steve Buscemi .... Rockhound
丽芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler .... Grace Stamper
布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis .... Harry S. Stamper
本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck .... A.J. Frost
比利·鲍伯·汤顿 Billy Bob Thornton .... Dan Truman, NASA Administrator
迈克尔·贝 Michael Bay .... NASA Scientist (uncredited)
美国太空总署发现一颗巨大的陨石正朝地球方向而来,并将在18天之内撞上地球,为了阻止陨石造*类的毁灭,太空总署想出的方法是派人登陆陨石的表面,并钻洞贯穿至陨石的地心,放入核弹引爆,使之在撞上地球前就先在太空中毁灭,而布鲁斯威利斯饰演的就是身负此重任的钻油井工人的工头,而本·阿弗莱克不但是他的属下,同时也是布鲁斯·威利斯女儿(丽芙·泰勒饰演)的男朋友 ,为了完成此项训练,两人同时接受太空总署的训练,一夕之间从一个打井工人成为太空人及救世英雄。
原 片 名:The Perfect Storm
中 文 名:完美风暴
出品公司:华纳兄弟 WarnerBros
国 家:美国
类 别:冒险 / 动作 / 剧情
导 演:沃尔夫冈 彼得森Wolfgang Petersen
主 演:乔治 克卢尼马克 瓦尔伯格黛安娜 莱恩卡伦 威廉 菲彻特纳
影片长度:129 Mins
原 名:War of the Worlds
译 名:世界大战
导 演:史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格 Steven Spielberg
演 员:汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise .... Ray Ferrier
达科塔·法宁 Dakota Fanning .... Rachel Ferrier
蒂姆·罗宾斯 Tim Robbins .... Ogilvy
米兰达·奥托 Miranda Otto .... Mary Ann Ferrier
类 型:冒险/惊悚/科幻/动作
片 长:116分钟
上 映:2005年
国 家:美国
语 言:英语
字 幕:中文/英文
简 介:
中文 名 后天/末日浩劫/明日之后
片 名 The Day After Tomorrow
年 代 2004
国 家 美国
类 别 剧情/惊悚/动作/冒险/科幻
语 言 英语
字 幕 中文
片 长 124 Min
导 演 罗兰德·艾默里克 Roland Emmerich
主 演 丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid .... Jack Hall
杰克·吉伦希尔 Jake Gyllenhaal .... Sam Hall
艾美·罗萨姆 Emmy Rossum .... Laura Chapman
达什·米霍克 Dash Mihok .... Jason Evans
杰伊·山德斯 Jay O. Sanders .... Frank Harris
瑟拉·沃德 Sela Ward .... Dr. Lucy Hall
伊恩·霍姆 Ian Holm .... Terry Rapson
简 介
影片描绘的是地球气温一天之内突然急剧下降,进入冰期的科幻故事。故事中,气候学家杰克·霍尔(丹尼斯·奎德饰演)在观察史前气候研究后指出,温室效应带来的全球暖化将会引发地球空前灾难。杰克博士曾警告**采取预防行动,但警告显然已经太晚。杰克·霍尔博士于是急告美国副总统宣布北纬30度以南全美民众尽速向赤道方向撤离,该线以北民众要尽量保暖。 而就在此时,霍尔博士得知儿子山姆(杰克·吉伦荷饰)被困于纽约,于是决定冒险前往救援……
中文 名 地火危城/活火熔城
片 名 Volcano
年 代 1997
国 家 美国
类 别 动作/惊悚/剧情/灾难
语 言 英语
字 幕 中文
片 长 104 Mins
导 演 Mick Jackson
主 演 汤米.里.琼斯(Tommy Lee Jones)
安妮.海切(Anne Heche)
简 介
片 名:The Core
译 名:地心毁灭
导 演:乔恩·阿米尔 (Jon Amiel)
编 剧:Cooper Layne
John Rogers
主 演:阿伦·艾克哈特 (Aaron Eckhart)
希拉里·斯万科 (Hilary Swank)
切基·卡尤 (Tchéky Karyo)
斯坦利·塔奇 (Stanley Tucci)
德尔略·林多 (Delroy Lindo)
阿尔法·沃德 (Alfre Woodard)
类 型:剧情 (Drama) / 科幻 (Sci-Fi) / 动作 (Action) / 惊悚 (Thriller)
片 长:135 min
分 级:PG-13
国家地区:英国 / 美国
发行公司:派拉蒙影业 (Paramount Pictures US)
出品公司:Core Prods. Inc. [us]
语 言:英语
A disaster (from Middle French désastre, from Old Italian disastro, from Latin pejorative prefix dis- bad + astrum star) is the impact of a natural or human-made hazard that negatively affects society or environment. Disasters occur when hazards strike in vulnerable areas. Disasters are generally more limited in scale than doomsday events, the global impact of which would threaten a large proportion of life on earth. The word disaster's root is from astrology: this implies that when the stars are in a bad position a bad event will happen.
[edit] Disaster management
Main articles: Emergency management and Business continuity planning
Chances of survival after a disaster are greatly improved when people, local governments and emergency services, businesses and national governments prepare survival plans and assemble disaster supplies kits beforehand. What constitutes sufficient preparation is highly dependent on the location and the disasters that are likely to occur in the area.
[edit] Natural disasters
A natural hazard can cause a natural disaster. Appearing to arise without direct human involvement, natural disasters are sometimes called acts of God. A natural disaster requires inappropriate human action in an area at risk before the strike of a hazard for it to develop into a disaster. A specific disaster may spawn a secondary disaster that increases the impact. A classic example is an earthquake that causes a tsunami, resulting in coastal flooding.
[edit] Avalanche
Main article: Avalanche
An avalanche is a slippage of built-up snow down an incline, possibly mixed with ice, rock, soil or plantlife in what is called a debris avalanche. Avalanches are categorized as either slab or powder avalanches. Avalanches are a major danger in mountainous areas ring winter.
[edit] Cold
Extreme cold snaps are hazardous to humans and their livestock. A 2003 Mongolian cold snap, locally known as a dzud, killed almost 30,000 livestock.
[edit] Drought
Main article: Drought
A drought is a long-lasting weather pattern consisting of dry conditions with very little or no precipitation. During this period, food and water supplies can run low, and other conditions, such as famine, can result. Droughts can last for several years and are particularly damaging in areas in which the residents depend on agriculture for survival. The Dust Bowl of the 1930s is a famous example of a drought.
[edit] Earthquake
An earthquake is a sudden shift or movement in the tectonic plate in the Earth's crust. On the surface, this is manifested by shaking of the ground, and can be massively damaging to poorly built structures. Earthquakes occur along geologic fault|fault lines, and are unpredictable. Single earthquakes have killed hundreds of thousands of people, such as in 1976 Tangshan earthquake, the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, the 19 Good Friday Earthquake that hit Anchorage, Alaska, and the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake.
[edit] Epidemics
Main articles: Disease, Epidemic, and Pandemic
A disease becomes a disaster when it spreads in a pandemic or epidemic as a massive outbreak of an infectious agent. Disease is historically the most lethal natural disaster with examples like the Spanish flu, Black Death, smallpox, and AIDS.
[edit] Famine
Main article: Famine
Famine, or food insecurity, is characterized by a widespread lack of food in a region, and can be characterized as a lack of agriculture foodstuffs, a lack of livestock, or a general lack of all foodstuffs required for basic nutrition. Famine is almost always caused by pre-existing conditions, such as drought, but its effects may be exacerbated by social factors, such as conflicts. Particularly devastating examples include the Ethiopian famine, which lasted for many years, and the Irish Potato Famine.
[edit] Fire
Forest fireMain articles: Bush fire, Fire, Mine fire, Wildfire, and Firestorm
Bush fires, forest fires and mine fires are generally started by lightning, but also by human negligence or arson. They can burn thousands of square kilometers. If a fire intensifies enough to proce its own winds and "weather", it will form into a firestorm. A good example of a mine fire is the one near Centralia, Pennsylvania: started in 1962, it ruined the town and continues to burn today. Some of the biggest city-related fires are The Great Chicago Fire, The Peshtigo Fire (both of 1871) and The Great Fire of London in 1666.
[edit] Flood
North Carolina 1916Main article: Flood
A flood is caused by excess water in a location, usually e to rain from a storm or thunderstorm, or the rapid melting of snow. Other causes can include flooding from water displacement, such as in a landslide, the failure of a dam, an earthquake-inced tsunami, a hurricane's storm surge, or meltwater from volcanic activity. The 1991 Bangladesh cyclone casued massive floods that covered almost three quarters of the nation and left behind a situation of disease and famine. An example of a human-made flood is the one caused by the building of the Vajont Dam in northern Italy in the 1960s; a landslide into the reservoir sent a wave over the dam's crest and into the densely populated valley below.
[edit] Hail
HailstormMain article: Hailstorm
A hailstorm occur when a thunderstorm proces a large amount of hailstones. Hailstorms can be especially devastating to farm fields, ruining crops and damaging farming equipment. The largest recorded hailstones were the size of grapefruits.
[edit] Heat
Main article: Heat wave
A heat wave is a hazard characterized by extreme heat in an unexpected area. Heat waves are worsened by temperature inversions, katabatic winds, and other phenomena. The worst heat wave in recent history was the European Heat Wave of 2003, which struck Western and Southern Europe.
[edit] Landslide
Main articles: Landslide, Lahar, and Mudslide
A landslide is caused when soil, rocks, trees, structures and other items on slope comes into motion. Landslides can be initiated by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or by general instability in the surrounding land caused by deforestation or lack of porous soil. Mudslide, rockslides, and lahars are particular types of landslides. Mudslides, or mud flows is the result of heavy rainfall causing loose soil on steep terrain to collapse and slide. Rockslides is the result of loose rocks and boulders coming into motion. The deadliest recorded landslide occurred in 1985 in Armero, Colombia, when a volcanic eruption caused snow melt to pile up and destroy the town below, killing over 25,000 people.
[edit] Limnic eruption
Main article: Limnic Eruption
Lake Nyos, CameroonA limnic eruption is a sudden release of asphyxiating or inflammable gas from a lake. Three lakes that are examples of limnic eruptions include Lake Nyos, Lake Monoun, and Lake Kivu. A 1986 limnic eruption of 1.6 million tonnes of CO2 from Lake Nyos suffocated 1,800 people in a 20 mile radius.
[edit] Sinkhole
Main article: Sinkhole
A sinkhole is a localized depression in the surface terrain, usually caused by the collapse of a subterranean structure, such as a cave. Although rare, large sinkholes that develop suddenly in populated areas can lead to the collapse of buildings and other structures. Florida experiences the majority of America's severe sinkholes.
[edit] Solar flare
Main article: Solar flare
A solar flare is a violent explosion in the Sun's atmosphere. Solar flares take place in the solar corona and chromosphere. They proce electromagnetic radiation across the spectrum at all wavelengths. Solar flare emissions are a danger to orbiting satellites, manned space missions, communications systems, and power grid systems. It is expected that the next extreme solar storm may occur in the year 2011. [1]
[edit] Storm surge
Main articles: Storm surge and Seiche
A storm surge is an onshore rush of water associated with a low pressure weather system, typically a tropical cyclone. A storm surge is caused primarily by high winds pushing on the ocean's surface. The wind causes the water to pile up higher than the ordinary sea level. Storm surges are particularly damaging when they occur at the time of a high tide, combining the effects of the surge and the tide. The highest storm surge ever recorded was proced by the 19 Bathurst Bay Hurricane, which caused a 13 m (43 feet) storm surge to pummel the small Australian town. In the US, the greatest recorded storm surge was generated by Hurricane Katrina, which proced a storm surge of 9 m (30 feet) that slammed against the Gulf Coast.
[edit] Thunderstorm
Main article: Thunderstorm
A thunderstormA thunderstorm is a form of severe weather characterized by the presence of lightning and thunder, often accompanied by copious rainfall, hail and on occasion snowfall and tornadoes. Thunderstorms can happen anywhere.
[edit] Tornado
TornadoMain article: Tornado
A tornado is a natural disaster resulting from a thunderstorm of severe conditions, and is a large funnel of extremely high pressure winds cycling and twisting at random. Tornadoes are measured in power according to the Fujita scale: an F1 being the least powerful and an F5 being the most powerful. Though normally within the American Midwest in a region known as "Tornado Alley", tornadoes can occur almost anywhere. Tornadoes can occur one at a time, or can occur in large tornado outbreaks along a squall line. The most powerful tornado ever recorded in terms of wind speed was the monster which swept through Moore, Oklahoma in 1999 and reached windspeeds of up to 318 mph..one mile below the maximum F5 speed ever considered. Tornadoes do not just stay within rural regions of the world: major cities have had small yet terrifying tornadoes touch down in their downtown sectors before, such as the 1997 waterspout in Miami, Florida, the small twister which touched down in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1999, and a 2001 tornado hitting Birmingham in the United Kingdom.
[edit] Tropical cyclones
Hurricane IvanMain article: Tropical cyclone
A tropical cyclone is a low-pressure cyclonic storm system. It is caused by evaporated water which comes off of the ocean and becomes a storm. The Coriolis effect causes the storms to spin, and a cyclone is declared when this spinning mass of storms attains a wind speed greater than 74mph. Cyclones are known as hurricanes in the Americas and typhoons in eastern Asia. One of the most damaging hurricanes in the United States was Hurricane Katrina, which hit the United States Gulf Coast in 2005 and inundated a heavily populated New Orleans, Louisiana. Cyclones can lead to disasters when they make landfall. Once above land they are reced in intensity and die out.
[edit] Tsunami
A tsunami is a giant wave of water which rolls into the shore of an area with heights that can be anywhere from 15 feet to even 50 feet in height. It comes from Japanese language meaning "harbor wave". Tsunamis are caused by undersea earthquakes or landslides, and are not noticed until reaching the shore, where the wave lifts form the rising sea floor. In the 1950s an earthquake in Lituya Bay, Alaska caused a massive landslide to fall into the bay's rear, forming the highest recorded wave in history when the wave passed through the bay's head: over 1720 feet in height. Only two people were killed. The tsunami generated by the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake currently ranks as the deadliest tsunami in recorded history. The tsunami was caused by a 9.2 Richter earthquake caused by a massive shift in pressure between two plates near Sumatra. Currently, the Cascadia Fault along the Northwest coast of the Americas is experiencing the same amount of extreme pressure and may have the same outcome in the near future: a tsunami threatening coastal cities such as Vancouver and Seattle.
[edit] Volcanic eruption
Pu'u 'Ō'ōMain article: Volcano
A volcanic eruption is the point in which a volcano is active and releases its power, and the eruptions come in many forms. They range from daily small eruptions which occur in places like Kilauea in Hawaii, or extremely infrequent supervolcano eruptions in places like Lake Toba in Indonesia or Yellowstone in Wyoming. Some eruptions form pyroclastic flows, which are high-temperature clouds of ash and steam that can trial down mountainsides at speed exceeding an airliner. The eruption of Mount Pelee of the Caribbean in 1902 incinerated the entire town of Saint-Pierre in Martinique below. The more famous example is of Mount Vesuvius, which buried the city of Pompeii, Italy in 79 A.D. and its resident in heaps of ash, and the remains were later recovered preserved and intact. Recent large volcanic eruptions include that of Mount St. Helens in Washington and Krakatoa in Indonesia, occurring in 1980 and 1883, respectively. The latter was one of the loudest eruptions in the world. Mount St. Helens spewed ash all across the Western states, and even caused the sun to appear green in areas. Some volcanoes are dormant, or "sleeping", but may erupt soon, such as Mount Rainier in Washington and Mount Fuji in Japan.
[edit] Waterspout
Main article: Waterspout
WaterspoutA waterspout is a tornadic weather phenomenon normally occurring over tropical waters in light rain conditions. They form at the base of cumulus-type clouds and extend to the water surface where winds pick up water spray. Waterspouts are dangerous to boats, planes and land structures. Most of the time waterspouts are proced in semitropical regions of the world, but the majority of them occur in the Bermuda Triangle and are suspected of being the cause of the many missing ships and planes in that region. One unruly waterspout made its way into downtown Miami, Florida in 1997 and caused quite a scare with the locals.
[edit] Winter storm
BlizzardMain articles: Blizzard, Winter storm, and Freezing rain
A snowstorm is a winter storm in which the primary form of precipitation is snow. When such a storm is accompanied by winds above 32 mph that severely rece visibility, it becomes a blizzard. Hazards from snowstorms and blizzards include traffic-related accidents, hypothermia for those unable to find shelter, as well as major disruptions to transportation and fuel and power distribution systems. The Blizzard of 1888 that diminished the Northeast coast of the United States proced snowpiles around 10-15 feet in height, sometimes even more. A later one struck Syracuse, New York and the Northeast again in 1975, and left drivers stuck inside their snow-covered vehicles along interstates. Another force of the cold is an ice storm which is basically rain that freezes instantly at contact with a surface. One devastating ice storm struck the city of Montreal, Canada in 1998 and destroyed communications and transportation