请问一下literature review怎么写?最好有例子和格式.





  Literature Review写法:看了文献中作者相关理论之后,总结作者的观点在提出自己的看法,要求举例支撑观点的要举例 。具体写法可以参照以下格式
  To better understand the characters of transformational and transactional leadership. Levinthal & March (2001) illustrates the fact that transactional and transformational leadership is intrinsically a collaboration and decision making orientation which emphasizes the development and empowerment of expertise ,the understanding of reform together with encouraging employees to carry out reforms. Bass & Avolio (2001) examines that leader set up objectives and orientations as well as spurring employees by clarifying roles and work requirements. They also present transactional leaders' charisma or idealized influence, inspirational motivation, stimulation and indivialized consideration, which traits could get employees to exert them to working to the largest extent in order to achieve group goals. Schriesheim (2002) shows how each reward system is made use of in an organization so as to achieve leaders' vision. Pillai, et al (2003) expound that transactional and transformational leadership is based on the notion that leaders give employees rewards or punishments according to their performance in the course of transaction. Boisot (2003) points out, under transactional and transformational leadership, that leaders can create with employees a professional atmosphere and attitude. Through the development of the profession, decision sharing, and the promotion of self-value, they can co-create an environment where respect, acceptance, kindness, support for growth and learning are appreciated.
