




(一)1. 结构: 条理清楚,段落宜适中,不宜太长。一般来说,作文的结构为:
三段式 四段式
Para 1 Introction Introction
Para 2 Argument+ support evidence Argument + support evidence
Para 3 Conclusion Argument + support evidence
Para 4 Conclusion
* 在表达观点时,要记住一点,should之类不应用得太多,因为你是在阐述一个观点,这是主观的,不要太绝对,如果换作是中文,你一讲就是“你应该怎么样”? 读者会觉得,你在强迫他接受你的观点,可以用一些be likely to or may/might。
2. 连词,副词和短语的运用: 在有清晰的结构之后,要有连词把各个段落、句与句之间有机联结在一起。比如连词:hence; 副词:dramatically; 短语:be likely to
3. 用词的多样性. 常用的单词可多记几个同义词,这样在文章中读起来更舒服些。比如可能, may, perhaps, be likely to; 因此hence, thus, consequently, as a result. 重要important, vital, crucial 。

表递进 In addition; and; as well as; besides (this/ that); furthermore; moreover; also; not only…but also; even
表层次 First(ly); initially; second(ly); to begin with; then; next
表结果 As a result; thus; therefore; consequently; then; hence
表转折 However; on the other hand; in spite of; despite; though; although; but; on the contrary; otherwise; whereas
表肯定 Obviously; certainly; of course; undoubtedly
表条件 If; unless; whether; provided that; for; so that; depending on
表定义 Refer to; mean; that is; consist of
表原因 Since; as; so; because (of); e to; owing to
表次序 Before; until; meanwhile; at the moment; when; as soon as; just as
表总结 In conclusion; in summary; to sum up; in short; briefly; in brief
表举例 For instance/example; such as
表对比 While; in contrast to; unlike; whereas; different from; on the other hand
表比较 Similarity; as…as; just as; in the same way; like; to have in common

Para 1 Introction (对题目内容的说明)
e.g. With the rapid development of … (e.g. information technology/ economy/ people’s living standard), …
Para 2 Advantages and disadvantages and support evidence
e.g. As the old saying goes, every coin has two sides/ However,everything divides into two. This is not an exception. It also has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it has advantages. Firstly, … (Argument+ support evidence). Secondly, …(Argument+ support evidence). On the other hand, it also has disadvantages. Firstly, …(Argument+ support evidence). Secondly, …(Argument+ support evidence)
Para 3 Conclusion (可以直接重复前文所阐述过的东西; 也可以加上自己的观点)
e.g. In short, … has both its advantages and disadvantages. But I think…
Para 1 Introction (对题目内容的说明)
e.g. With the rapid development of … (e.g. information technology/ economy/ people’s living standard), …As the old saying goes, every coin has two sides/ However,everything divides into two. This is not an exception. It also has its advantages and disadvantages.
Para 2 Advantages and support evidence
e.g. On the one hand, it has advantages. Firstly, …(Argument+ support evidence). Secondly, …(Argument+ support evidence).
Para 3 Disadvantages and support evidence
e.g. On the other hand, it also has disadvantages. Firstly, …(Argument+ support evidence). Secondly, …(Argument+ support evidence).
Para 4 Conclusion (可以直接重复前文所阐述过的东西; 也可以加上自己的观点)
e.g. In short, … has both its advantages and disadvantages. But I think…
2. 以我的观点为重心的写作模板(主要是三段式)
Para 1 Introction (对题目内容的说明)
e.g. With the rapid development of … (e.g. information technology/ economy/ people’s living standard), …
e.g. There is a (public/ general/ heated/ impassioned) debate/ discussion/ controversy nowadays over/ on / concerning the issue/ problem of … Those who criticize/ oppose/ object to … contend/ argue that … They believe that … But people who advocate/ favor/ are for …, on the other hand, maintain/ assert that …
e.g. Now it is commonly/ generally/ widely believed/ held/ accepted/ recognized that …Some people are of the opinion that …/Some people hold the belief/ view that …/Many people have the idea that … However, many others disagree that … Both sides of the question of whether …are well supported by sound reasons.
Para 2 State your standpoint (for or against); explanation to your standpoint and support evidence
1. Personally, I side with the former/ latter opinion.
2. Personally, I stand on the side of …
3. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the opinion that …
4. For my part, I completely agree with the former/ latter.
5. I fully agree with the statement that …
There are three reasons for this. /The reasons for this are as follows. / The reason for this is obvious. / The reason for this is that... /We have good reason to believe that... / The reasons are chiefly as follows.
Firstly, …(Argument+ support evidence). Secondly, …(Argument+ support evidence). Last but not the least, …(Argument+ support evidence).
Para 3 Conclusion
注:在阐述利与弊或自己的观点时要注意观点(论点)与论据相结合。论据最好是statistics与your experiences, examples, etc 相结合,交换使用。
1) 使用statistics: e.g.
1. According to a(n) survey/ investigation/ analysis/ statistics/ report released/ concted/ made by …, there is a growing/ increasing/ declining number of … who/ which …
2. Once in a newspaper/ magazine, I hit upon ( came across) a/ the report that…
2)使用experiences & examples:
e.g. Firstly, shopping on the internet can save much time. According to a report released by the central government, shopping on the internet can save 56% time.(statistics) Secondly, shopping on the internet can save a lot of money. For instance, last week I bought a book on the internet. It costs me only 12 yuan. But if I buy it in a bookstore, I will have to spend 43 yuan.(experiences and examples)

1. at present/ currently/ lately/ recently/ nowadays/ these years/ in the past several decades/ over the last several years
2. With the (rapid, marked, amazing, eye-catching, remarkable, fantastic) development/ progress/ growth/ advance/ improvement of economy/ society/ instry/ living standard, great changes have taken place in …
3. We are blessed with new opportunities and faced with new challenges.
4. As … develops,
5. Along with the development of …, more and more …
6. In the past few years, there has been a sharp growth/ boom/ decline in …
7. In recent years, China has experienced an alarming increase in …
8. Nowadays more and more people begin to realize/ be aware of/ notice the importance/ significance/ seriousness of the problem of… (e.g. ecation/ pollution/ unemployment).
9. There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for …
10. There is a (public/ general/ heated/ impassioned) debate/ discussion/ controversy nowadays over/ on / concerning the issue/ problem of … Those who criticize/ oppose/ object to … contend/ argue that … They believe that … But people who advocate/ favor/ are for …, on the other hand, maintain/ assert that …
11. Now it is commonly/ generally/ widely believed/ held/ accepted/ recognized that … They claim/ argue/ hold that … But I wonder/ doubt whether it …
12. Which is a better choice A, or B? Different people have different answers e to their respective point of view. However, I side with the opinion that A is far better than B, for several reasons addressed below.
13. Those who criticize/ oppose/ object to/ are against … contend/ argue/ hold that … But people who advocate/ favor/ are for …, on the other hand, maintain/ assert/ claim that …
3. 问题式
Given the bad effects X has given rise to, we find it compelling to do something to get it into control. Otherwise, nobody knows what it will be like if this problem continues to hang around us. The first priority is to … (一个具体的解决问题的措施, e.g. make the evil nature of X known to all people so that they would consciously guard against it. 或 increase, through ecation, the public awareness of the negative effects resulted from X.)

e.g. 电视已经成为我们生活中的一个重要内容;它对我们的意义在于:资讯、娱乐等

Many people tend to agree with me if I say that X makes a necessity for us to live a happy/decent/comfortable/convenient/interesting life. We are now seeing increasing existence of X in our life. The implications/uses of X can be illustrated as follows:

Firstly, … (X的作用或意义)

People are also talking about another implication/use of X….(X的另外一个意义或作用). It may not be as important as the first one. But any discussion about X without mentioning it will be an inadequate one.

e.g. Practice Makes Perfect

“X” (X代表需要解释的内容) is frequently seen and used in our daily life. It seems that it is too commonly seen to be explained adequately. As far as I understand it, it means… (对X的具体解释).

We have abundant examples in service of X in reality. I would in this passage pick up some of the most common ones. (举1到2个例子来说明)

e.g. The Day My Classmate Fell Ill (or Got Injured)/ Traffic Accident
1. 简单叙述一下这位同学生病(或受伤)的情况;
2. 同学、老师和我是如何帮助他/她的 ;
3. 人与人之间的这种相互关爱给我的感受是……
1. 车祸发生的时间及地点;
2. 你所见到的车祸情况;
3. 你对车祸原因的分析。

Although it has been a long time since X, it is still one of my most unforgettable memories. That was (时间地点). And it was(天气等).


Similar incidents/accidents may happen every day in other places. But that experience does leave a deep impression on me. It is instructive to me as I learn from it that…(你的感想/看法)./I think the cause of this particular incident/accident is that… (你的分析)


