女士们,先生们,晚上好。今晚,一切都变得虚虚实实,你们的眼睛将欺骗你们的心灵,比如说,这位慈祥的老奶奶正在等待她的孙女,显然,这位老奶奶并没有什么威胁,但我并不能说的太多,你们必须自己找到隐藏在危险背后的*,现在——演出开始! 女士们,先生们,晚上好,今晚我们将见证人类内心深处的信念!这位小女孩正在寻找回家的路。。 女士们,先生们,欢迎观看今晚的演出.今晚我们将看到一段受到百般阻挠的爱情.但是大家知道并非所有的爱情故事都有完满的结局.有些时候爱情就像荆棘一样危险!! 今晚,我们将见证一对坚贞不余的爱情,耳听为虚,眼见为实.当2个彼此相爱的人在今晚见面时又将会上演什么样的悲剧.大家拭目以待吧.现在演出开始.
小红帽:'Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this evening's presentation!''Tonight, things are not what they seem, for tonight, your eyes may not be trusted.''Take for instance this quiet, elderly woman, waiting for a visit from her granddaughter. Surely there is nothing to fear from this sweet, gray-haired old lady.''But don't let me pull the wool over your eyes. See for yourself what lies beneath those covers. And now: On with the show!' 绿野仙综:'Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to this evening's presentation!''Tonight, we plumb the depths of the human soul as we join a lost, lonely girl trying desperately, with the help of her loyal companions, to find her way home.''But she is pursued by a wicked, malevolent crone!''Will she survive? Will she prevail? Only time will tell. And now: On with the show!' 罗密欧朱丽叶'Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to this evening's presentation!''Tonight we explore a tale of forbidden love!''But beware, for not all love stories end happily. As you may find out, sometimes love pricks like a thorn.''But don't take it from me. See for yourself what tragedy lies ahead when the paths of star-crossed lovers meet. And now: On with the show!'