Publications in 2015
236. Wei Tan, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Yang Jiang, Guangsheng Guo*,Hongxing Dai*.“Ce0.6Zr0.3Y0.1O2nanorods supported gold and palladium alloy nanoparticles:High-performancecatalystsfortolueneoxidation”,Nanoscale, 2015,in press.
235.Yujuan Zhang, Lei Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Yang Jiang,Hongxing Dai*.“Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic properties of MnOx/SBA-16 for toluene oxidation”,Advanced Materials Research, 2015,in press.
234.Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*, Kemeng Ji, Hongyu Sun, Yanyan Zhao, Junhua Li.“Enhanced catalytic efficiency of Pt nanoparticles supported on three-dimensionally ordered macro-/mesoporous Ce0.6Zr0.3Y0.1O2for methane combustion”,Small, 2015,doi: 10.1002/smll.201402951.
233.Yucheng Du, Liping Wang,Jinshu Wang, GuangweiZheng,Junshu Wu,Hongxing Dai*.“Flower-, needle-, wire-,andsheet-like MnO2depositeddiatomites:Highly efficient absorbents for the removal ofCr(VI)”,JournalofEnvironmentalSciences,2015,29:71-81.
232.Yujuan Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Han Zhang, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*.“Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Pr6O11and Tb4O7with mesoporous walls: preparation, characterization, and catalytic activity for CO oxidation”,Catalysis Today, 2015,245:28-36.
231.Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*, Kemeng Ji, Hongyu Sun, Junhua Li.“Pt nanoparticles embedded in colloidal crystal templating derived 3D ordered macroporous Ce0.6Zr0.3Y0.1O2: Highly efficient catalysts for methane combustion”,ACS Catalysis, 2015,5:1781-1793.
230.Yang Jiang, Jiguang Deng,Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang,Hongxing Dai*.“Au/MnOx/3DOM La0.6Sr0.4MnO3: Highly active nanocatalysts for the complete oxidation of toluene”,Instrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2015,54(3):900-910.
229.Kemeng Ji,Hongxing Dai*,Jiguang Deng, Hongjun Zang, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Hamidreza Arandiyan.“3DOM BiVO4supported silver bromide and noble metals: High-performance photocatalysts for the visible-light-driven degradation of 4-chlorophenol”,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015,168:274-282.
228. Kemeng Ji, Jiguang Deng, Hongjun Zang, Jiuhui Han, Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*.“Fabrication and high photocatalytic performance of noble metal nanoparticles supported on 3DOM InVO4-BiVO4for the visible-light-driven degradation of rhodamine B and methylene blue”,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015,165:285-295.
227.Shaohua Xie, Jiguang Deng, Simiao Zang, Huanggen Yang, Guangsheng Guo,Hamid Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*.“Au-Pd/3DOM Co3O4: Highly active and stablenanocatalystsfor toluene oxidation”,Journal of Catalysis, 2015,322:38-48.
226.Yong Qin, Zhimin Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.“Photocatalytic synthesis of isopentenyl polyether-acrylate copolymer overFe-TiO2and its performance”,Journal of ShanxiUniversity (Nat. Sci. Ed.),2015,38 (1):125-129.(in Chinese).
Publications in 2014
225.Hongxing Dai*.“Editorial”,The Global Environmental Engineers, 2014,1(1):1-2.
224.Wei Tan, Guangsheng Guo, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Yang Jiang,Hongxing Dai*.“Au/Ce0.6Zr0.3Y0.1O2nanorods:Highlyactivecatalystsfor the oxidation ofcarbon monoxide and toluene”,Instrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2014,53(48):18452-18461.
223.Yazhou Wang, Jiguang Deng, Sixu Deng, Hao Wang, Hui Yan,Hongxing Dai.“Morphologically controlled synthesis of porous spherical and cubic LaMnO3with high activity for the catalytic removal of toluene”,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014,6(20):17394-17401.
222.Yujuan Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.“Preparation and catalytic performance of Fe-SBA-15 and FeOx/SBA-15 for toluene combustion” (Cover article),Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014,59 (31):3993-4002.
221. Yucheng Du,GuangweiZheng, Liping Wang,Jinshu Wang, Junshu Wu,Hongxing Dai*.“MnO2nanowires in situ grown ondiatomite: Highly efficient absorbents for the removal of Cr(VI) and As(V)”,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2014,200:27-34.
219. Fang Wang,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Wen Han. “Preparation and catalytic performance of nanoplate-aggregated Co3O4micropheres for the combustion of toluene”,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2014,35 (9):1475-1481.
218. Shaohua Xie,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yucheng Du, Huanggen Yang, Wen Han,Hamidreza Arandiyan, Guangsheng Guo.“Preparation and high catalytic performance of Au/3DOM Mn2O3for the oxidation of carbon monoxide and toluene”,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014,279:392-401.
217.Huanggen Yang,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Wen Han,Guangsheng Guo.“Porous cube-aggregated Co3O4microsphere-supported gold nanoparticles for oxidation of carbon monoxide and toluene”,ChemSusChem, 2014,7 (6):1745-1754.
216.Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuan Wang, Hongyu Sun, Shaohua Xie,Bingyang Bai, Yuxi Liu, Kemeng Ji, Junhua Li. “Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous La0.6Sr0.4MnO3supported Ag nanoparticles: Highly active catalysts for the combustion of methane” (Cover article),Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2014,118 (27):14913-14928.
215. Zongcheng Zhan, Xiaojun Liu, Dongzhu Ma, Liyun Song, Jinzhou Li, Hong He,Hongxing Dai.“Novel synthetic approaches and TWC catalytic performance of flower-like Pt/CeO2”,Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2014,8 (4):483-495.
214. Wen Han, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang,Hongxing Dai*, Chak Tong Au.“Gold supported on iron oxide nanodisk as efficient catalyst for the removal of toluene”,Instrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2014,53 (9):3486-3494.
213. Kemeng Ji,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Han Zhang, Lei Zhang, Haiyan Jiang. “Sucrose-assisted PMMA-templating fabrication andcatalytic performanceofthree-dimensionallyordered macroporousEuFeO3for toluene combustion”,Solid State Sciences, 2014,27:36-42.
212.Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Wei Tan, Wen Han, Yang Jiang, Guangsheng Guo.“Mesoporous Co3O4supported gold nanocatalysts: Highly active for the oxidation ofcarbon monoxide, benzene, toluene, ando-xylene”,Journal of Catalysis, 2014,309:408-418.
211. Yujuan Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.“Preparation and catalytic performance of Fe-SBA-15 and FeOx/SBA-15 for toluene combustion” (Cover article),Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014,59 (26):2595-2603 (in Chinese).
210.Deng Jiguang, He Shengnan, Xie Shaohua, Yang Huanggen, Liu Yuxi,Dai Hongxing*.“Research advancements of ordered porous metal oxide catalysts for the oxidative removal of volatile organic compounds”,Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2014,35 (6):1119-1129(in Chinese