发布网友
共1个回答
热心网友
应该是动词词组吧
1.
We
have
to
make
a
small
charge
for
refreshments.
我们得收取少量茶点费。
2.
What
is
the
charge
for
a
day
at
the
Hilton
Hotel?
希尔顿饭店每天收费多少?
3.
How
much
do
you
charge
for
mending
a
pair
of
shoes?
补一双鞋要多少钱?
4.
The
charge
for
labor
works
out
at
almost
ten
shillings
an
hour.
付给工人的费用算下来每小时差不多十先令.
5.
Do
they
charge
for
the
use
of
the
telephone?
打电话收不收费?
charge
for
1.
索价
2.
收费
3.
要价