




Peking Opera, also known as "The quintessence of Chinese culture," is a renowned form of Chinese traditional art. It comprises five major roles: sheng (生), dan (旦), jing (净), and chou (丑).
1. Sheng (生) roles encompass laosheng (老生), xiaosheng (小生), wushuang sheng (武生), and wa wa sheng (娃娃生). Laosheng represent middle-aged or elderly characters, often displaying authority and wisdom. Xiaosheng are young and typically play romantic leads or warriors. Wushuang sheng specialize in martial arts roles, while wa wa sheng portray child characters.
2. Dan (旦) roles include zhengdan (正旦), hua dan (花旦), gui men dan (闺门旦), wu dan (武旦), lao dan (老旦), and cai dan (彩旦/摇旦/刀马旦). Zhengdan are the leading ladies, often embodying grace and virtue. Huadan are the beautiful young girls, often in love stories. Guimendan are the upper-class, unmarried young women. Wudan are the chivalrous girls skilled in martial arts. Laodan are older women, and caidan are comical characters, designed to bring laughter with their丑角 performances.
3. Jing (净) roles, also referred to as "big baikal," are the painted faces, typically playing heroes or villains with distinct facial makeup. They are characterized by their strong and distinctive personalities.
4. Chou (丑) roles, also known as "small baikal," are the clowns of the opera, known for their humorous and often satirical performances, using their滑稽 comedy to entertain the audience.
Each role in Peking Opera has its unique characteristics and requires specific acting, singing, and dancing skills, making it a comprehensive and captivating form of performance art.
